There is a very controversial and very current issue related to the evolutionary path free from supposed ballasts of dogmas, religions, philosophies, practices, techniques and concepts; on the one hand, normally treated by those who are starting their journey of rediscovering the universality and multidimensionality of the soul, as techniques for self-development without imprisoning the individual; and on the other hand, as a basic need for human beings to develop their self-discipline.

Over these 40 years of dedication to extraterrestrial contact and as well as extraphysical and dimensional physical experiences, where we live with many practical experiences with these Confederate beings and with countless groups of people who are part of the contact groups we participate in, we are faced on many occasions with these questions, which helped us to better understand this typical picture of the terrestrial human mind of the present.


We came from a patriarchal culture and Pisces mentality, wrapped since childhood with the paradigms of survival and success at all costs, in a consumerist culture where power and profit are the true divinity sought by the majority. This has promoted in the contemporary mentality the formation of a crystallized understanding that success lies in the search for realities external to the individual. With the advent of the age of Aquarius in the 50s, and its gradual influence on the energetic and mental processes of humanity, we were gradually awakening for new paradigms and incredible challenges to be overcome, reaching one of its moments of great nonconformity and search for alternatives, in the movements of the 70s, where a rebelliousness was present, an anarchic behavior of thousands of people, in an excessive search for new horizons for the society.

Much Eastern knowledge has come to illuminate deeper aspects of Western minds, but these understood the lessons through their mental prism coming from another model of society. Thus, spiritualist movements similar to religions or sects emerged, where a guru or great leader dictated the rules, and this is true to this day.

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All this movement took many searchers are repulsed by rules and disciplines, attributing this to concepts from the previous era. But, in fact, it's the same aspect of the rebellious mind of the 70's, of the youth of the spiritual awakening, where anarchy and lack of rules become a reference of life and behavior, until maturity arrives, and you realize that nothing in the Universe is anarchic, everything is very well organized, within universal laws and structures organized in councils and confederations, fraternities and orders, which are true maintainers of all the universality of the various beings of the Universe. All advanced civilizations are organized and have their rules and disciplines., but this does not constitute an imprisonment of individuals, as everyone is aware enough to understand the practices, rules, organization, the need for more experienced advisors, and their lives are dedicated to this maintenance, as it constitutes their strength as civilization.


Thus, before we go out judging the various paths that we will have access to in our spiritual asceticism, let us observe with wise eyes, that, without some order, rules and disciplines, we will just be a union of rebellious people trying to build an unreal structure that will not be able to maintain itself for long. This is how the Universe works, this is how an adult universalist mentality is achieved, being free and enlightened, to the point of seeing the universal order present in the most varied techniques and luminous paths that present themselves as tools for our growth.

Emmanuel sanchez

Director of Instituto Rede Rama and representative of Rahma International Mission.

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