The vital essence of blossoming

    The nature of a being is in the vital essence it possesses. Throughout its history there is a vital essence available solely and exclusively for the development of the being and also for the awakening of consciousness, experiencing a full life in everything that is a fundamental part of the vital essence of each being.

    When a person truly finds his essence, he has a more conscious and full life of himself. Then each moment becomes fully alive, for there is a greater reason to be and exist. Understanding brings understanding of life as it is and shows that everything that happens is vital to the inner process of unfolding.

    The vital essence of blossoming

    To blossom is simply to become and activate within yourself the opening to life. When a person enters the process of blossoming, he vitalizes the essential beauty of his being. Beauty already exists and it gets even greater when a person assumes their full potential and lives according to their essence motivated by the guiding principles of life and by their special mission on Earth.

    Living is much more than just being here. It is being fully alive here, allowing yourself to be guided by the greater mission and being in full development, accomplishing everything that makes sense to exist in your life. It is being connected with what has special meaning in your mission on Earth. You are nurturing your inner beauty at every moment until it is time for it to blossom and reveal all your potential beauty. This is one of the great arts of life. Living with the essence and through the essence is to allow yourself to be the flower that you are and to beautify your existence more and more, generating a well-lived and happy life.

    When consciousness expands, the greater beauty is revealed and the whole nature of being is revealed. The inner flower only appears when it is well nourished and has firm foundations and is strengthened through vital principles that govern the life of the being. It is noticed that in everything there is a period, so it is constantly nurturing the essence and the potential to be able at the most appropriate time to bloom and awaken in immense beauty following an enlightened path.

    The greater the nutrition and development, the greater will be the activation of inner beauties and virtues. Potentially, you become more alive when you assume your β€œI Am” and put yourself on the full path of development, constantly seeking to learn and understand the lessons of life and the signs of what you need to awaken your inner flower, blooming for a life. full of harmony, happiness and love.

    To bloom is to enrich life with the flower of its essence!

    Love & Light!


    Fraternal hug!

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