The value of family

    The value of family
    The family has a great weight in our formation. The basis of who we are today has to do with what we learned from our parents. When we were children, we learned a lot of things, like what is right and what is wrong, what kind of education we should have, what we should believe in, etc.

    In many cases, parents pass their limiting beliefs on to their children, but they do so with the best of intentions, because they think they are doing the right thing. But the truth is that parents can make mistakes sometimes in the process of raising their children, but behind these mistakes is love and the intention of protection.

    Unfortunately, there are families that are always in conflict because one doesn't understand or respect the other's point of view. For example, parents are too controlling and children feel suffocated by it, and so fights happen.

    Another example can be the child who is entering adolescence and already wants to be independent, not giving satisfaction to the parents, doing what he wants, never letting them know where he is going and even getting involved with the wrong friendships. For these reasons conflicts occur. I only mentioned the relationship between parents and children and not other family members so as not to extend this article too much, but of course it is also very important to have a good relationship with uncles, grandparents, cousins, so that the energies of peace, love and harmony spread to all.

    Even if there are disagreements within a family, the important thing is that we should never hold a grudge, as in several cases where a person is resentful of a relative for years and this negative feeling can spread to the people closest to them, ending up with family harmony.

    If you also harbor resentment towards your parents or another relative, the ideal is to break this negative field with techniques such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Ho'oponopono or some other, so that, in this way, the energy weighed down by feelings bad can be eliminated.

    Even if the other person still harbors a grudge, you clear their energy and improve for both of you, including those close to you. Always send lots of light and loving energy to all your family members through intention. This will make a big difference in the relationship between everyone. Do this and you will see that the problems you felt before will no longer exist.

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