Psychosomatic problems: their causes and diseases

Have you ever had a symptom that no exam could detect the cause? This can be a reflection of weakened emotional health. With the psychological shaken, the body responds with pain and inflammation. Discover here the causes of some psychosomatic problems, diseases originating in the mind.


because of two psychosomatic problems it is in the hypothalamus, a structure linked to the production of hormones, heart functions and the detection of more latent emotions. People of all ages who live in a permanent state of fear, of losing their job, for example, are the most likely to develop this problem.


Medicine uses several classifications for these diseases, also called psychosomatic illnesses or psychosomatic disorders:


Term that designates muscle problems such as spasms and paralysis, as well as skin problems.


Symptoms that attack the viscera, such as inflammation and injuries in the intestines and stomach.

Main psychosomatic diseases

See what the main ones are psychosomatic illnesses and their related emotions:

1. Headache

Common after tense situations.

Emotions: lack of self-esteem and repressed anger.

2. Gastritis, ulcer and other gastrointestinal problems

Moments of stress, anxiety, fear and resentment trigger these problems. The longer you live with such feelings, the more damaged the organs of the digestive system will be.

Emotions: self-condemnation, uncertainty.

3. Skin diseases

Stress can trigger acne, allergies, herpes, vitiligo and other skin conditions.

Emotions: Difficulty accepting yourself.

4. High pressure

Stress and constant anxiety are backgrounds of high blood pressure. If left untreated, it causes other diseases.

Emotions: unresolved emotional frustrations.

5. bronchitis and asthma

Nervousness can make it difficult to breathe. Anyone who lives in a state of nerves is a serious candidate for developing bronchitis and asthma.

Emotions: afraid to live life.

Psychosomatic problems: their causes and diseases

Other psychosomatic disorders

Tumors: remorse.

Rheumatism: absence of love, bitterness.

Cold: grief and mental confusion.

Allergic rhinitis: guilt and persecution mania.

Sinusitis: irritation.

Pneumonia: despair, lack of will to live.

Symptoms and treatment

Lack of self-esteem, nausea, stomachache, palpitations and tremors are some of the symptoms. O treatment of a psychosomatic illness starts with painkillers or antacids and must continue with therapy sessions in order to unravel which emotions are repressed and teach the patient how to deal with them.

Check the website for more content about the psychological influence on diseases: The psychological meaning of diseases. 

Text written by Sumaia de Santana Salgado from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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