The use of keywords creates pleasant communication

When I started to learn about neurolinguistics, I was more and more surprised with everything that exists in the world of perception and I was intrigued by asking myself how much I could still learn; what would be the limit of the human being within the perception; how different people could be in their sensitivity to others and to themselves.

There are several ways to capture important information to build a good rapport (French word that means empathy, affinity, mutual trust, the famous “the saint knocked”), and to quickly captivate anyone, it can take an hour, five minutes or more. even just twenty seconds. We will always take into account the ability of the communicator, that is, the one who has a goal and is expressing himself in his own way.

The use of keywords creates pleasant communicationLet's talk about the key words, which in my opinion is one of the fastest and most powerful ways to build rapport. It is about being attentive and attuned to the words that people use, and in an exclusive way, as if it were a form of personal marketing, something that we can perceive that it is a personal characteristic.

When we are talking or just listening to someone, pay attention to the words that the person uses, each word is important, but there are some that when they say it, it is not by chance, there is a reason for that person to use that way of expressing themselves. Eg If you talk to someone and that person gets excited about an idea of ​​yours, they can say like this: "Man, this is a ball show, it's a great idea". Okay, as you are very smart, you noticed that the person used the word “show de bola” and this is not by chance, know that for her to have used that word or phrase, it is because for her they have a special meaning, none of this is for nothing, it represents something to itself unconsciously.

If you really want to establish rapport with her, at the first opportunity say: "Man, can I tell you something, your service is "show ball", how can you put on a show in what you do". Want to know the result? This person's unconscious will immediately identify with you, and you will have gained her attention and interest in being by her side, she will become a pleasant person, and even she will not be able to explain why, because it is an unconscious process and you know that this part of the mind is the most powerful, once captivated, it's quite an achievement.

Any word that they use with you and that you realize that it is a keyword, of a personal characteristic, use it with the same person, replace what you would say with synonyms, and preferably with the keywords that the person in question uses. This sounds very easy, but it needs training so that you don't give up, when talking to doctors, use their terms and keywords, the same if you're talking to someone who uses slang, use some slang that the person has expressed themselves and it will facilitate the Communication.

When you are someone very polite, use please and thank you several times, just like the person himself, and when someone uses difficult words and seems to be a very cultured person, reciprocate with the same words or even surprise with some difficult word that he himself didn't expect it, so you'll earn her respect and attention. It's like a game, forget what you know and just follow the dance of whoever is with you, learn to dance to the music and you will always be on stage, you will never be left out.

exercise of the day

Spend the whole day listening to the keywords that people close to you use, if applicable, at the beginning, write down and memorize, take a test, talk to these people in different ways, using your own keywords. There will come a time when you will do this without thinking, automatically and the results will be fascinating, be prepared.

Good Luck!

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