I know!

How many times are these two words born and reborn in our mouths? How many times do we repeat this? Have we ever thought about the purpose for which we did this? Have we ever thought about how often we use these two words? What are our goals in just saying… “I know”?!

I know!
Pixabay / Arek Socha

Although we may think this is logical, because we know something, we can generate various justifications for saying “I know” so that our conscious mind understands that we know something and we can be proud of it. Knowing something is not knowing everything, much less is it associated with the ego's desires. In fact, the ego exists in every being and needs to be well balanced so that we can have an optimal and productive life.

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It doesn't become productive to say "I know" to emphasize you and belittle someone else. It doesn't help at all to say “I know”, when deep down we have some doubts, and even less it never collaborates with the development on the walk, when it is done with the intention of expanding ourselves in ourselves. We are no more than anyone else. We are living beings who are living the opportunity for evolution on Earth. This is important to know, and that everything can change at any moment, that is, our knowledge can be eliminated in a matter of time.

Great scholars affirmed something in their concepts, of which, passing through a new reality, the modifications became evident. So we are studying and learning with the world, with life, with other beings and with ourselves. We don't know everything about a subject. We know little about other matters. What matters is that we can use the “I know” only in moments when it reflects the essence and connects with spirituality. “I know” is a life mission, it is a way of seeing intuition and enhancing existence. “I know” should be said to yourself when learning about something in your life. I still don't know everything about it. I know I'm studying about life and living my best. When you put yourself as a student of life, your ego takes the place of humility, and your heart becomes the guide all the way. So the journey becomes easier and more accessible. It is essential to know that everything is learned and that wisdom is the only one that knows everything. It inhabits every being and can be felt. For this, you need to walk the journey of consciousness and keep yourself in a state of constant evolution. Life asks you to be guided by your own heart. In this way, you will be activating the essence in each moment and you will know that it is exactly the wisdom of life that is guiding you. Living is the way to illuminate your own being.

I know!
Pexels/Kaushal Moradiya

I know that life will bring out the best for your development. I know that life knows everything about all of us. I know that life uses the source of inner wisdom in which it speaks all about its path. I know that life knows about me. I know that I myself need to learn to be in order to know, because only the essence is linked to the divine wisdom of existence. I know that I'm not sure of anything, because I live in a world that is constantly changing. I know I need to know what's written on my heart. This is the key to all my happiness.

Love & Light!


Fraternal hug!

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