The Truth Beyond the Senses

The world of our senses

The perception we have of the Universe we inhabit is that of a world in three dimensions: matter, time and space. Matter, when considered in its form, occupies three dimensions in space: the line, the plane and space itself. The dimensions of time are also three: past, present and future.

The three dimensions of our Universe interact with each other: matter moves in space and transforms itself in time. The three dimensions of space are complementary: the line, made of points, the plane, made of lines, and space, made of planes. The three dimensions of time are linear: from past to present; from the present to the future.

The concept of dimensions as explained above is easy to understand because it is perfectly attuned to the capacity that our senses have to perceive and that our mind has to rationalize. In fact, the dimensional concept itself is the result of the perception of the senses and the rationalization of the mind that conceived it.

Therefore, such a concept can only be questioned if we question the absolute capacity of our senses and our rational mind. That is, if we admit that the senses and the mind are limited to such perceptions and rationalizations, incapable, therefore, of perceiving other dimensions beyond those that the limitation of the senses and reason allow.

To some extent, the limitation of the senses is already very well known: our eyes do not see colors beyond the visible spectrum, such as infrared and ultraviolet, although their existence is proven; our ears do not hear frequencies below 20 Hz nor beyond 20.000 Hz, although we know that there are other beings in nature capable of hearing these sounds; our touch does not perceive the presence of energy and magnetism, although there is no doubt about their existence.

The Truth Beyond the Senses
Louis Hansel / Unsplash

As for the rational mind, its limitation is evident by the inability of science to explain unlikely phenomena, but absolutely verified: mediumship, clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis and precognition, to name a few.

In its most recent advance, science has proposed many theories about these phenomena, but such proposals are still lacking in unanimity. Quantum physics itself opens the range of knowledge to aspects of the atomic microcosm that have never been unveiled before, but it still cannot close the circle of knowledge about the phenomena discovered through various experiments: at each level reached, it becomes clear that new levels exist. be climbed.

the abstract world

On the opposite side - that of religion and spirituality - there is talk of themes that are still foreign to science, which affirm the existence of God, of parallel dimensions, of multidimensional beings, of planets inhabited by energies and intelligences of densities not compatible with the senses. and human reason, of existence outside of time and space. Such knowledge is brought to humans not only through mediumistic sensitivity and energy channeling made by some privileged beings, but also by beings of the highest spiritual level who incarnate on Earth with the mission of raising the level of consciousness of humanity.

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Although there is consensus among many of those who advocate such knowledge, there is no scientific evidence about them, especially for concepts that are further from the limits between science and spirituality. However, the physical-biological and psychic well-being of people has been much more related to devotion to spiritual practice than to scientific knowledge.

Addressing the spiritual question, therefore, has no backing from conventional science. The conviction that science imposes on itself the insurmountable limitation of research based on sensory experimentation and the rational treatment of experiments and the fact that both the senses and human reason used in scientific research are instruments of perception and analysis limited to the field of matter/energy give rise to the search for abstract knowledge through intuitive processes.

Those consciousnesses that have already overcome the limits of matter and entered the fields of the spirit absorb the knowledge necessary for survival and spiritual growth directly from the Source or through cosmic beings linked to It. This is how the One Truth disseminated by traditional religions and esoteric philosophies of various origins has the same root, although almost always distorted by the biases of culture, language, dogmas and the unconsciousness of human beings who disseminate it.

The Truth Beyond the Senses
Ashley Inguanta / Unsplash

Spirituality is, above all, a process. It is an endless walk on the path of spiritual evolution. Although we are all walking in the direction of Spirit, each being has free will to decide how to walk. In humanity in general, this decision is still unconscious, as the veil of forgetting your true Origin prevents you from seeing the shortest way back to It. Hence the infinite diversity of states of consciousness among human beings, some more advanced than others, some already aware of the evolutionary process they inexorably go through, others still looking for paradise in the tangle of matter.

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