Good Yoga

Buti is a word of Indian origin that means: “to heal something that is very deep, something secret”.

Created by coaching and businesswoman Bizzie Gold, a Hungarian-Jewish, Yoga practitioner for years and dancer.

Bizzie says that traditional Yoga is for few people and excludes women, and she also criticizes the point where there are gurus. She says that knowledge should be passed along the same line, not from the top down.

Good Yoga

After experiencing massive trauma at the birth of one of her children, who was left without oxygen for 20 minutes after birth and went into brain failure, she continued with her traditional yoga practice, but felt she was just doing the movements repetitive and without presence, she felt that it made no sense to her. Then, she decided to practice from her heart and get out of the mental.

What emerged was a expressive way, mixing dance, Yoga movements (Vinyasa), music, cardiovascular exercises with jumping and the inclusion of all tribes. Women of different creeds, ethnicities and economic conditions practice this new type of yoga, which, according to her, is the most inclusive there is and that best suits the world we live in.

With various techniques of releasing tension and opening up to oneself, taking away judgments and making space for everyone in the group to speak up, there is a promise of care, to take the bonds of the mind, of suffering and release traumas.

Os preached values by it, its practitioners and teachers are:

“Build the world where you want to live.

You can only guide others if you have walked the path before.

The greatest gift you can give is the gift of friendship.

A person can only be spiritual when he is grounded.

True leaders don't create followers, they create more leaders.”

Os benefits of this practice are described as a feeling of release, relaxing, natural, in addition to working the core muscles in depth, releasing endorphins, releasing tensions, providing a group experience without judgment and, as they say, sweating a lot!


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