the totality of being

    Life is an eternal journey of cycles, with a beginning and an end!

    It is processed with infinite possibilities, generating creativity!

    It reveals itself in the unveiling of the mystery and truth, which dwells in each being!

    By opening ourselves to life, we eliminate fear.

    Fear is fueled by the fear of losing.

    When we are afraid, we stop BEING what we really ARE.

    Our TOTALITY lies dormant in us!

    Waking up to our TOTALITY requires the awakening of illusions.

    Facing our resistances and eliminating them is to free ourselves from the true prison!

    Life is alchemical!

    the totality of being

    Going through the changes, which are necessary, with acceptance, is better than suffering from stagnation!

    Every overcoming leads us to realize that a Great Being is expressed in us.

    This FORCE moves us and drives us forward, even in the midst of difficulties.

    Searching for meaning, even in what doesn't make sense!

    Even being incomplete, it makes us feel complete.

    The BEING that inhabits us is only realized through movement and transformation.

    By expressing our TOTALITY, we contribute to the WHOLE and its expansion!



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