Law of Attraction – How to Attract What You Want

The law of attraction. The art of mentalization and visualization to achieve goals and fulfill dreams. Have you ever thought about getting everything you want in life? It's not about magic or esotericism, it's about making smart choices, being congruent and having integrity. Being righteous is acting according to the truth, the truth of who you are, being transparent about who you are, expressing the best version that you are and, thus, attracting like-minded people into your life.

This law of attraction thing seems a little confusing, but it's not a mystery; Later in this article, I'll explain how it works and how to apply it to your life.

Remembering that the law of attraction has nothing to do with magic, mysticism. It's something very logical and simple, it's making our choices according to the truth of who we are, that's being honest, it's being transparent.

It was once said that the Universe only expects us to say what we want and desire, that it clearly understands what we are saying and takes very seriously, literally, everything down to the smallest detail. That's why we have to act with great caution and conscience, because the Universe does not accept insults; for not correctly following the steps for co-creation that many times the person feels that it did not work out. I'm going to show you how it's done and you will understand this process of the law of attraction and so it will be clearer why it didn't work for you.

Law of Attraction – How to Attract What You Want
Engin Akyurt/Pexels

The first thing that is going to be necessary for the law of attraction to work is mental clarity, you have the certainty of who you are, what you want, have that clear in your mind to the point of being able to answer “What are your three biggest goals? ” in less than 30 seconds. Of course, for this there is a great process of self-knowledge and self-analysis to create this clarity of who you are and what your biggest goals are so that you can be on the way to achieving them.
That's where many people get frustrated, because it didn't work for them. They have their dreams, their goals, but there is some point along the way that they didn't do right for various reasons - which goes from case to case -, it would have to be investigated and analyzed with the help of a psychologist, psychoanalyst , which will guide this process of self-knowledge, self-analysis and evolution to clear limiting beliefs, repetitive patterns, beliefs inherited from ancestors, past lives, family, friends, the environment in which they live, traumas or fears... It is a very long and continuous process. , nobody comes ready, we are a daily construction, as I always say, every day working on self-knowledge to be able to open paths and thus facilitate the process of discovering and realizing your dreams and goals. Therein lies the secret of the law of attraction, it is not thinking or saying “I want such a thing”, “I want to accomplish this”, because the Universe does not understand words, but the focus you give to that dream and desire.

If you have already defined who you are, your dreams and goals, aware of limiting beliefs and working on them, it is necessary that this goal and dream is firm and clear in your mind, as if they were coming true in front of you.

Having this written down makes it much easier to achieve your goals, strengthens visualization and thus attraction. I, for example, have been writing in a notebook and on a piece of paper that I keep inside my cell phone case, it's part of a co-creation ritual that I do.

If you're already clear on what you want, it's good to have it written down in a conspicuous place so you can read it every day until the visualization is so easy that it sits dormant in your mind. That's focus. I had said in an older article that we spend a lot of our time talking and thinking about things we don't like, who we don't like, what we don't want or want, and so these things happen, so we get that feeling that "everything I didn't want happened". Realize that what we give attention and care to flourishes and grows, develops and thrives, but what we forget, we put aside, ends.

When we focus and pay attention to what we like, we program our unconscious, creating mechanisms to generate actions that enhance and confirm these lines and thoughts. So when we say that we attract what we say and think, it means that we attract what we focus on by the actions of the unconscious that will bring equivalent ideas, so I talked about being aware of our thoughts and speeches, because they create beliefs, be they of expansion or limitation.

Law of Attraction – How to Attract What You Want
Renan Lima/Pexels

We usually give more weight to negative things, which we don't like, so we lose track of what we want and like and we have the habit of saying that we don't have time to pay attention to what we want to accomplish, because we have the belief that "seeing is believing", “I'll try if it works out”, which, needless to say, takes us further away from achieving our goals. If you don't believe that we can achieve our goals, without putting obstacles or limits to what you can achieve, program your mind so that you believe and see, try until it works.

Warning, it's not just dreaming, it's also executing, putting your mind in agreement with the Universe for the organization of actions that materialize your goals.

Having goals written in multiple places where they can be viewed every day is part of the daily exercise of visualization and co-creation.

If you have already written your goals, visualize them happening at that moment, imagining all the details of the scene, create as if it were a photo that represents that dream, see yourself inside that photo, see it grow and feel everything that this image represents for you. See all the details of this image. The place, what is going on, what are you wearing, your shoes, your hair, if you have makeup on, how is that makeup, if you have accessories, what accessories are you using, if you have any hairstyle , who is with you, what each one is doing, talking, wearing. All the details count, it has to be very specific, you have to focus on what you really want, connecting with the Universe during a meditative practice and in the bath, it's easier to connect with the creative source you believe in, repeating these phrases : “Among all the possibilities available in my life, which possibility have I not yet considered?” “Among all the existing possibilities, I chose this reality. How much awareness do I need for this to be updated in my life more easily?”; “I surrender, trust, accept and thank you” (mantra); “Everything comes to me with ease, joy and glory” (mantra); “What can I do TODAY so that this possibility I have chosen can be more easily updated in my life?”, proposing to do what is necessary for its realization.

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Of course what I'm talking about here is just a part of what you need to do, this is just a part of the ritual, what you have to do to co-create and that I could remember to put in this article. These are some of the techniques and rituals I use and that I brought here for you to try. Comment here if you used these rituals and techniques and how you felt after putting them into practice.


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