The Submarine โ€“ How I see the slow awakening of unconscious humanity

The submarine sank many thousands of years ago, and as it sank, it turned upside down. The crew inexplicably survived and produced, for millennia, future generations. Over time, these generations lost the historical record of their origin and came to believe that the world was the submarine.

When trying to contact the outside world, through the periscope, all people saw was the bottom of the sea: a lot of darkness and the limitation of their perception beyond the sandy floor. It was a limited life with no prospects, in which people lived fighting and disputing the little space and resources available, without hope, and without understanding the reason for that life, but also without questioning it.

But the outside world knew that the submarine had sunk and was trying everything to save its crew. The rescue team tried in vain to communicate. On the submarine, if any manifestation on the surface was perceived, it was not understood, as no one even admitted the hypothesis of a rescue team with a determined and unconditional rescue mission.

After so much time, after so much suffering, a few began to imagine that this might not be the real life. It must have been mere illusion. The truth should exist in a much better world that they just didn't know about. Then they sharpened their senses, to try to catch something coming from the outside that wasn't just what their periscope could make them see. Gradually, they began to hear sounds they had never heard before, and to perceive a sliver of light that had never reached their eyes before. โ€œOh! Yes, there must be a world out there. The light seems to come from above, as does the sound. Maybe we really are upside down. We have to capsize the submarine!โ€

The Submarine โ€“ How I see the slow awakening of unconscious humanity

It was very difficult to convince the less sensitive others that there was really something out there:

"You're crazy... this is fantasy in your head... it's a psychological process of escaping from the reality of life..."

But, little by little, some others came to believe and to sharpen their senses. They also came to realize that the submarine could be the illusion and that outside there would be a real world. The effort to turn the submarine began. At first the results were small. But as the periscope, deflecting from the bottom and angling upwards, let in ever more intense light, more and more people became convinced that there might be a salvation.

The Submarine โ€“ How I see the slow awakening of unconscious humanity

The effort increased and, gradually, the submarine, rotating on its axis towards the surface, now allowed the periscope to capture much more light and, with it, the vision of a vast ocean, full of riches never before imagined. The activity of the rescue team, with their equipment probing the ocean, could now be faintly perceived.

Then began the conscious communication of a small part of the crew with the rescue team. Objects were thrown overboard to establish references; tapping on the hull of the submarine so that the crew could be heard. Several internal rescue groups were created among crew members to ensure that contact with external teams was effective.

The prospect of rescue alone changed the mood inside the submarine among those who believed in rescue. People stopped fighting over pettiness, their hearts rejoiced and they shared love among themselves. They knew that a wonderful world, abundant with resources and beauty, though still unknown, awaited them out there. They began to take much better care of the submarine itself, as they depended on it to one day rise to the surfaceโ€ฆ


The end of the story is not yet known. But the hearts and energy of believers are increasingly focused on the task of bringing this submarine to the surface. The prospect of seeing the sun shining over the waters and forests is wonderful; to see the birds flying, while we hear their song; to see the night with a full moon and the stars; to breathe the pure and fresh airโ€ฆ Of all this, today you can only see the shape and, even so, distorted by the refraction in the waters of the sea.

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Everyday, prayers, thoughts, every cell of being should be committed and deeply committed to the ascent of the submarine. Let us reach out our hands and turn our minds and hearts to the rescuers. Thus, we will hear their manifestations more and more clearly.

Life on the submarine seems incomprehensible. Its rules of coexistence and sharing, created by ourselves, crew members, become unbearable. But it is in this environment that our mission to participate in the rescue must be carried out. And, interestingly, we cannot save ourselves alone: โ€‹โ€‹for a single crew member to be saved, everyone on the submarine must also be saved.

The Submarine โ€“ How I see the slow awakening of unconscious humanity

The rule is simple: just notice in every attitude, concern, thought and feeling to which you allow yourself to expose whether it is contributing to perpetuating life in the submarine, which one day may disintegrate, or to taking it to the surface, where they reign. the laws of Life, guaranteeing you and future generations true existence on the surface of the planet.

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