the spirit of lie

    April 1st is April Fools' Day.

    At España, we celebrate this date as a day of pranks and playful lies. Even children lived in the past the famous song that says: “I tricked the fool in the eggshell. Whoever fell, fell, April XNUMXst.”

    So there are several pranks even among adults. It's a long-awaited date for games. Children, and even adults, are already playing pranks in the morning. It's a real party and lots of laughter.

    For many, whoever lies has no character, and lacks shame in his face. This lack of character, ethics and unblemished posture is the result of aspects such as, for example, the social context in which the individual lives. Therefore, he is taught, by examples, that lying is normal, so he lacks the scope to be ethical and truthful. Psychology has always debated the subject of character by looking at behavior and the reasons why the individual acts that way. This way of pretending, deceiving, lying is embedded in psychic experiences in which, sometimes, the lack of character or transparency with the truth makes the subject lie. Because it is ingrained in his mind that it is something common and natural, exactly because of the way he was raised, by the social context, friends, family, lack of basic structure, poor diet, lack of education – in the sense that the family “corrects when to lie”. ” – and lack of school education, in the “non-accompaniment of character”.

    The fault, in fact, in the final analysis or instance, would perhaps be the subject himself who accepted, by spirit and by normal, to have this type of conduct throughout his life. This can only be changed through the search for knowledge of who we are and a series of issues to be analyzed by the subject who wants to stop lying – such as, for example, wanting to improve himself as a human being. In that spirit, I suggest reading the Bible as well as studying philosophy and SatSang.

    the spirit of lie
    Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

    Now, when analyzing the spirit of the lie, we will have an obscure tone in this word, because it is the non-real. Many lies destroy lives, marriages, families, friendships among others. Of course, there is also the “beneficial” side of the lie – if we can label it that – where it prevents tragedies, wars and conflicts from happening.

    The Bible says, in John 8, verse 44: “You are of your father the devil, and you want to do his lusts. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he never stood in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he utters a lie, he speaks of his own, because he is a liar and the father of lies.”

    In this sense, lying of any kind is abhorrent to Christian people, or at least it should be. The Lord Jesus himself was the one who quoted this phrase in John 8, verse 44, as he was arguing with the Pharisees and scribes. Therefore lying is abominable and intolerable. In this text, the Pharisees represented the teachers of the law, the “holy men, officers of the church”. Therefore no lie is justified by itself in the eyes of God.

    • Do you know what the biggest lie in the world is? Find it out!
    • Understand the relationship of the lies we tell ourselves with the comfort zone
    • Understand where honesty begins!
    • What is character?
    • To forgive or not; that is the question!

    The world for Christians is the site of the evil one; therefore, they abhor April Fool's Day as the day of the sons of darkness. It's a natural feeling here in the West. However, this does not occur in other religions. In fact, there are hundreds of different religions all over the world, so we are not universalizing the theme here as something macro and unique in all religions, nor in all nations. Each nation obviously employs its own culture and way of being as customs. Therefore, April 1st is a commemorative date only in some countries.

    Finally, this commemorative date is interesting in Spanish culture and in other countries, but it is not a holiday. For the reader friend to delve into the subject, you can search, in scientific articles, about April Fool's Day. Good research, and until next time with your friend, Philosopher Nilo Deyson Monteiro Pessanha.

    One is the story, another is the glory of the story; however, even between truths and truths there is a difference of splendor in the spirit, when questioning its turn, its structure.

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