The Serpent's greatest virtue is what we can bring to our life! What does she teach us?

Today, this teaching came to me in a very unusual way kkk... I was recording the radio, a program that I do every Wednesday (radiodarua), telling that, on 28/4, Mother-in-law's Day is celebrated and I was congratulating all women who also occupy this role. I commented on how prejudiced and senseless the idea of ​​comparing the mother-in-law to the snake as being something bad, with pejorative connotations through jokes, etc. and such! Then, during the musical break, my cell phone made a noise and, suddenly, a message arrived on this topic: what the snake can teach us! Of course, I thought it was pure synchronicity and brought this theme here to share with you!

Who said that the snake or the serpent comes from evil?! This is a belief embedded in man at a given cultural moment and propagated by some religions, which related this fabulous power animal to more negative than positive things.

The serpent is one of the greatest symbols of alliance, since the beginning, and of a power studied by many civilizations. The fact is that, in the human mentality, the more negative side of things always prevails, which strengthens in people's mentality the most "negative" characteristics of this animal.

Here, therefore, I want to recall some more striking and important qualities of this symbol of power, so that we can bring these virtues and attitudes to our lives, to our daily lives, so that we can develop greater balance in our RELATIONSHIPS with ourselves and with the whole!

To carefully observe nature is to extract precious lessons from it. It is worth mentioning that we can find, through the characteristics of plants and animals, many teachings.

The serpent brings two essential virtues, which we can develop in our life and thus keep ourselves more protected from low density or frequency energies!

Serpent teachings

1- The snake does not walk around, it avoids exposing itself to danger! Reflection: Have you been walking around exposing yourself to dangers in times when protecting yourself should be the greatest care at the moment?! Do you expose yourself unnecessarily?!

The Serpent's greatest virtue is what we can bring to our life! What does she teach us?
Sandra Seitamaa / Unsplash

2- She observes before acting! Her attitudes are planned, accurate. And, when she acts, her attitude is right, because she had observation and focus.

What about you, observe before acting or act impulsively?! Impulse without observation brings regret. Better not do something than regret it later, because the deed is gone!

The fact is that we don't need to intimidate anyone, nor corner others. Neither attack, nor harmlessness, but PRUDENTITY.

The prudent person “avoids any situation that could bring suffering and tragic consequences for life and soul”.

3- The serpent is PRUDENT!

That is, she teaches us again that balance is the key point of her healing, so her poison is also its own medicine!

If I attack recklessly, I get sick because what hurts the other person hurts me more!

The Serpent's greatest virtue is what we can bring to our life! What does she teach us?
Tyler B / Unsplash

First of all, watch and stay away from danger! Only go on the defense if it's really necessary for your survival!

Prudent son of Oxumare:

When you hear gossip, walk away from it. It's realizing the temptation and running away!

Being naive out of balance makes you fall into traps, which lead you to your own death... and to die and be born again, you need to peel off your skin, you need to remember what it is to discern so as not to be killed by the mind's irrationality!

The way back inside to extract the cure from the poison is more painful! And, if it can be pain-free, why not make everything lighter and more balanced?

  • Use self-awareness to face your fears
  • Meaning of dreaming about snake from a spiritual point of view
  • Discover the spiritual meaning of dreaming about snakes
  • Don't look for in the other what only you can give yourself
  • Reflect on how you deal with envy

Don't get carried away by everything they say. Watch, question and, when in doubt, don't go, don't talk, don't see, don't hear and don't do!



🌈🐍 written by

Mother NeNa Oxumare

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