The secret to the best relationship in the world

    Everyone wants to live in a relationship, wants to find Love and be happy in a relationship, but separation is more common than marriages. What really happens in these people's lives?

    The question is very simple! All of them ignore a secret, because the fact that they don't know it makes, in fact, the pressure on the other to be excessive and very painful. This undermines the relationship and makes everything lose its grace and the sea of โ€‹โ€‹flowers of enchantment and passion begins to wither, leaving exposed the dry thorns of disappointment and discontent.

     The great challenge of a successful relationship is the time you dedicate to yourself. Not in gyms or beauty salons, but taking care to get to know yourself. When one is dedicated to getting to know oneself, the natural path that unfolds is personal improvement in all aspects of life. 

    There are no stories of people who are deeply knowledgeable about themselves, who are bad people, or who are difficult people. If a person works to get to know himself and his attitudes do not synchronize with an unblemished behavior, then the prodigious self-knowledge is not happening. Well the self knowledge encourages us to be better, every day, under any circumstances.

    Returning to the topic of relationships, it is logical that a person who invests in self-knowledge is capable of being a better partner in their relationships. And when both are dedicated to this development process, they certainly become better and better people. Being and working daily for their personal improvements, they tend to keep the relationship in constant development, as the admiration and sharing of each personal discovery encourages both to continue walking together.

    The secret to the best relationship in the world

    On the other hand, there are couples where only one partner works for self-development and this imbalance can slowly undermine the relationship. When one of the partners realizes, the other has already distanced himself a lot and there is no other way out than the definitive distance.

    Perhaps you've heard of contrasts; these are part of every couple's life. It's the differences in behavior and personality, the conditioning that form the baggage that each one brings to the relationship when they decide to stay together. Awakened people who are dedicated to self-knowledge know that these differences, when they present themselves, are challenges for both. But when this perception does not exist, the relationship becomes a real battlefield.

    Self-knowledge in this case is also a great support in moments of contrasts, as the perception of contrast can be the great motivator for our steps towards a mutual growth of the couple.

     We can only share with others the treasures that we know we have.

    The map that leads us to this treasure we carry hidden in our heart and, as much as we live in search of finding it somewhere during our journey, without this map, we will not achieve much success. This map is a set of daily exercises focused on change, or rather, improvement in behavior. Yes, we are behavioral beings and behavior has to do with habit. In turn, habit is linked to conditioning, what do we do with these conditionings that often dominate us like executioners in the silence of our limited perception?

    Looking at yourself identifying these turning points is the beginning of unraveling the codes of this map. By starting this journey, we are closer to our true treasure. How many people live their entire lives without this map, intuiting and even dreaming that somewhere there is a hidden treasure waiting for them?

    To know yourself and unravel this map that leads us to the lost treasure of the Self, it is necessary to become aware and take daily actions for changes. No change in conditioned habits can happen overnight. Such changes can only occur in a daily process of perception and actions directed towards the new.

    This daily movement is able to lighten the dark nights of personal and relational conflicts, as the victim leaves the scene and the owner of the world enters the scene, capable of making decisions for his own happiness, which will certainly benefit the other as well.

    Reading a book about love won't make you love, but it's living love for yourself every day and recognizing love in little everyday things that can make pure and genuine love blossom in a couple's life.

    It is not true that love only happens when we find our soul mate. This is the biggest mistake, because genuine Love begins with the seed that is cultivated in itself and continues when two souls decide to cultivate their flowers and share their fruits together. Here is the perfect relationship.

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