The Age of Consciousness, of Awakening

We are living in exciting times of great transition for all of humanity. We can see this change from many angles, first around us. In many ways, humanity has come to the brink of collapse. We see overpopulation, polluted forests, global warming, rising unemployment, world food shortages and severe climate change.

We also see more and more clearly the enormous inequalities in terms of wealth and power across the world. In addition to the oscillation of the world economy on the verge of collapse. These are the signs that we can and must change the old structures.

At the same time, new ideals based on justice, compassion and equality emerge, which strengthen our path towards change.

This new awakening has caused many of us to experience great uncertainty and confusion. This is a time to turn inward and review beliefs, values, let go of hurts, grudges, insecurities, fears and let our divine essence ascend, to be strong, balanced and awake to go through turmoil with clarity and ease. 

The Age of Consciousness, of AwakeningMore than ever, it is a time for us to step forward, in whatever ways, forms and senses we are called upon, and to help usher in this new era of human life on the planet. Our old sense of identity and sense of security are being challenged.

We are being called to awaken, to find in ourselves different resources and talents to deal with change.

People are coming together with greater autonomy, affirming their desire for peace and respect for all beings on the planet. Humanity is awakening and all this has required a new way of seeing ourselves.

Our challenge is to find secure foundations within ourselves, such as:

  • Understand the causes of the challenges we face in our daily life.
  • identify and heal the physical and emotional issues that come with these challenges.
  • Knowing the unique purpose we have on this journey and expressing it with more confidence.
  • Hear, feel and trust our inner guidance.
  • Experiencing heart opening and expressing love in its divine potential.

The internal revolution is waiting for you to happen, let's each do their part!

I end this text with the reflective message of Mahatma Ghandi: β€œIf I could leave you a gift, I would leave alive the feeling of loving the lives of human beings. The awareness of learning everything that has been taught over time. I would remember the mistakes that were made so that they would not be repeated. The ability to choose new paths. I would leave to you, if I could, respect for what is indispensable. In addition to bread, work. Besides work, the action. And, when everything else was lacking, a secret: to seek within oneself the answer and the strength to find the way out”.

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