The secret of the blue cover diary

When asked if I had a journal to write down what I did and what I wanted to do, my automatic response was: “Of course not! I don't need to waste time writing because it's all engraved here in my head”.

Taking advantage of my memory that has always been very well trained (you know we all have an efficient memory, but don't we all train it?) I believed that writing a journal was really a waste of time, the same time that I value and admire as a resource so fantastic and democratic that every human being has it in the same way.

One day, tied to this belief of mine, I talked to a very determined friend who seems to be the son of King Midas: he has the ability to turn everything he touches to gold with the utmost simplicity. During the conversation I asked him what the secret of success was for him and in response he simply got up, opened a drawer and took out a diary saying: “Here is the secret! ”

When reading the diary, I admit that I was disappointed because in those pages I didn't find anything extraordinary, I smiled and without understanding what the real secret was, I replied: "How nice."

The days passed quickly and from time to time I stopped to understand the secret of the diary to the point that I decided to challenge my belief about the futility of writing what would be, until then, very well etched in my trained memory.

I still remember my first blue cover diary, was as ugly as it became useful and powerful.

The secret of the blue cover diaryI started writing, reading and reading again. My friend's words were making sense and the secret of the diary, day by day, became clearer so much that today every time I open my diary I wonder what color King Midas' diary could have been.

It's ok Diego, your story is even curious, but where do you want to stop? What is the secret of the diary?

The secret of the diary is that it is a powerful ally for you to achieve goals, let's see what are the four main benefits?

Keeping a journal helps clarify goals and record progress.

Writing down what our desire is makes it extremely concrete, this increases the level of responsibility we assume towards the goal, ourselves and the people who are directly or indirectly involved in achieving it.

In addition, we can clearly segment our goal into goals (or mini goals) because reaching goals increases our self-esteem and consequently increases performance, stimulating resilience.

Another advantage that the achievement of goals has is that of serving as an "energetic" for negative days, that is, when we are facing a discouraging day, it will be enough to read our diary to remember all the achievements and to be aware that we are not so bad. as we were thinking. This remedy is fantastic because it's free: you don't pay taxes for it and above all it works without side effects.

Keeping a journal helps you win the battle against procrastination

Writing down the tasks of the day to be carried out is a serious commitment that you make with the most important person in your life: yourself. When your friends, acquaintances or family let you down how do you feel? Well, it feels bad. Even worse when you are disappointed alone for not doing what you set out to do knowing that it is extremely important to achieve your goals.

Want to know one more reason to stop procrastinating? The immense satisfaction of seeing your daily to-do list completely completed when the day is over.

Keeping a journal helps you manage your time better.

Writing down how and when to do a certain thing helps to eliminate superfluous actions by optimizing time, that is, you avoid wasting time unproductively and makes it an extremely important resource to improve the quality of life.

As? Gaining time, energy and enthusiasm to do what you want when you want.

Keeping a journal helps you find your own “place in the world”

Writing down what you do and how you see things that happen helps to put your point of view on paper. This stream of consciousness will lead you to look at your life and decisions from the “observer” position.

It seems obvious, but when you write down your thoughts, you first need to reflect on a certain fact or person. Day after day the reflections will add up, the values ​​will be consolidated and your decisions will become clearer each day because you will be more aware of who you are and what you really want. In a nutshell, you define who you are and what your “place in the world” is.

Now I ask you:

What color is your diary cover?

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