The search for happiness

    Hello guys.

    All right with you?

    How are you?

    They are happy? Are happy?

    As promised, today I'm going to talk about happiness!

    Happiness is something that everyone wants or seeks… Isn't it?

    The concept of happiness is something quite abstract and what is happiness for me may be different from what is happiness for you. But do we really need things, people or systems to be happy?

    It is important to know that happiness has much more to do with your frequency, your state of mind and your psychic reality than with external things.

    The search for happiness

    Who doesn't know anyone, who focused all their efforts and goals to achieve something they believed to be fundamental to their happiness and, when they did, they continued to feel unhappy? It is something very common in the professional field. People yearn for a high position, a promotion or the opportunity to work in a big company, they spend years giving up many things and focusing all their efforts on this goal, which is often actually achieved, but when they get there, they ask themselves… But that was it?

    Of course it's important and we should outline plans and have goals in life, but we can't forget that this should just be a part of your life and that happiness should exist precisely on the way, in the day-to-day experience, of your mistakes and successes, of your efforts to make your dreams come true, but, even so, we must know that, if it doesn't work out, new experiences and new goals can exist, new airs and new plans and, the more we can focus and feel blessed for everything what we have already conquered, the happier we can be.

    Someone who deposits his happiness in a professional position, partner or material goods, will be a person doomed to unhappiness. First, because we cannot control external events and there is always the possibility that the company you work for will close, your partner will leave or you will eventually lose material possessions… And a person who is too attached to this will constantly be at risk of feeling deeply unhappy, because it depends on things that are outside its scope to feel fulfilled and happy.

    As I said in the previous post, of course there will be moments of sadness, some quite deep, but experiencing them fully, with the conviction that storms pass and YOU can always trace new paths, make new mistakes and successes, have new plans and new dreams... Again, again and again... The more you free yourself from limiting beliefs that say you need to have children, be rich, be successful to be happy, the more you will be able to taste full happiness , the one that only depends on you, on your strength to live and believe that we can make our destinies, determining from today the seed we will plant and, even more, in addition to taking care of the planting, we experience the daily joy of this planting, of the unshakable luck that we have the opportunity to plant new seeds, whenever we want, to see and live new things, always grateful for the beauty of the cycle of life... Smile yes, smile always! The more we smile at life, the more life returns those smiles with new smiles... Feel full and happy to receive more and more fullness and happiness.

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