Power animals: Butterfly

Have you ever felt deeply connected to nature or an animal in your life? According to the shamanistic philosophy of life, every human being has a power animal, which, in a nutshell, is an animal that helps them guide themselves through life and discover how to live it.

But what, specifically, is the power animal? What are the characteristics brought by the butterfly as a power animal? How is it possible to connect with her if she is your power animal? Clear all doubts about it in this article.

What is a power animal?

To understand what a power animal is, you need to understand what shamanism is. Shamanism is a way of life — not a religion — that argues that human beings and nature are one and the same, that they need to be integrated and in harmony for both to benefit. According to this theory, all people have three power totems, each associated with one of the three kingdoms of nature: stone, plant, and animal. According to this philosophy, these totems help us in our process of self-knowledge, directing our thoughts, feelings and actions towards the changes we need to make in life.

Our animal totem is represented by our power animal, which is nothing more than an archetype of our personality — it is important to say that this is a spiritual concept, not a logical or rational one, so it is not a personality test that describes who you are. it is, but a guide to help you develop and live a more harmonious life and more connected to your true potential, awakening energies and characteristics that may be dormant.

The butterfly

Butterflies are seen by the Indians as something that brings beauty and harmony to nature, since their vivid and beautiful colors, their graceful movements and their very existence, with the well-known processes of metamorphosis, make the human being see a little bit of beauty in a world that can sometimes be so cruel. The person who has the butterfly as a power animal, therefore, is usually the one who is - or should be - aggregator, animator of environments and promoter of harmony.

But beyond being beautiful and bringing harmony, butterflies are quite functional, as they are essential in nature's pollination process, so they are not just “pretty faces” that have little to offer. Quite the contrary, because without them, this process of pollination and plant survival would be greatly compromised. By being related to the butterfly as a power animal, you bring with you this association between what is beautiful, but also important and even essential.

Metamorphosis is a word that is almost inseparable from butterflies, since it is through the process of metamorphosis that the larva transforms itself from an animal that causes repulsion and a cocoon with little use to a beautiful butterfly, ready to spread its beauty around. and also to fulfill their biological function in nature. As metamorphosis is synonymous with transformations and profound changes, those who have the butterfly as a power animal need to understand that transmutations will happen frequently in their lives.

Power animals: Butterfly
Pixabay / Pexels

Maybe you don't know how a butterfly's vision works, but it has dozens (some have hundreds) of focal points that are able to see the details of every object or scene they observe, so having the butterfly as a power animal is associated to be able - or to become capable - of seeing situations in their smallest detail, paying attention to every detail of what is being observed.

Although they obviously use their wings to fly, it's because of their antennae that butterflies are able to orient themselves and find the direction they want to go. If they lose one of their antennae, they start to fly in circles and become disoriented until the antenna regenerates. This deficiency and need for two antennae is a great metaphor about the need for balance for people who have the butterfly as a power animal, because they need to align real life with spiritual and emotional life, otherwise they will “fly in circles”.

Finally, having the butterfly as a power animal is an indication that your spirit, deep down, is a lover of freedom and adventure, because the cocoon is comfortable, warm and safe, but it is only when transforming into a butterfly. that flies around that the true potential of this animal is reached.

How do I find my power animal?

Don't take online quiz, don't rely on internet tests. Unlike your zodiac sign or Chinese horoscope, for example, which you can only discover with your date of birth, discovering your power animal is a little more complex, because it includes consulting a shaman master, the only possible guide to reveal what your power animal is.

Power animals: Butterfly
Min An / Pexels

If you just pick an animal at random or rely on any test done on the internet, you will end up investing your time and energy in an animal that is not truly your power animal, which can be quite frustrating and disappointing. To avoid this kind of deception, therefore, consult a shaman master, so that he guides your path towards your power animal and avoids delusion and that you have the feeling that you have been deceived.

Many people imagine that having a lion, for example, as a power animal is much better than having a butterfly, since one seems to us synonymous with strength and the other, with pure delicacy, but the truth is that shamanism has other meanings. for each of the animals, so you need to reframe what you already know to understand how these animals influence you.

And how do I connect with my power animal?

Connecting with the power animal is a very individual and unique process, as each person manifests their spirituality in a different way. Once you've helped him discover what his power animal is, the shaman master is likely to guide him on his first encounter with him, so that he gets used to his presence and you are “introduced”. From then on it's up to you.

It is extremely important that this initial encounter is done with the help of a master shaman, otherwise you may scare your power animal or even feel bad if you cannot connect with it. After the initial meeting, the shaman master will even give advice to maintain this connection, but will explain that you are the only one who can discover the best way to connect with your power animal, reinforcing this harmony with it and, consequently, with nature. .

  • Butterfly Effect
  • Understand how metamorphosis works, power of transformation
  • Recognize that external beauty always comes from within.
  • Delve into the concept of power animals

But we can give you a hint: meditation. If you close your eyes and try to disconnect from the real world for a while, imagining yourself, for example, in the skin of your power animal, hunting or defending like it, flying around or swimming, your connection with it will begin. to be reinforced and you will understand the teachings he has to pass. Another meditation tip is to imagine yourself approaching the power animal and interacting in a loving and harmonious way with it.

The butterfly is, in short, an animal of power that represents, at the same time, a unique beauty, but a great importance for nature, since it is responsible for the pollination process. In addition, those who have the butterfly as a power animal are often deeply connected to metamorphoses and changes. If this is your case, establish your connection with this power animal!

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