the sea of ​​life

    It is said that even before a river falls into the ocean, he trembles with fear.

    He looks back at the whole journey: the peaks, the mountains, the long winding path through the forests, through the villages, and he sees in front of him an ocean so vast that entering it is nothing more than disappearing forever.

    But there is not other way.

    The river can not come back.

    Nobody can go back.

    Back is impossible in existence.

    You can just go ahead.

    The river needs to take a risk and enter the ocean.

    And only when it enters the ocean does the fear disappear, because only then will the river know that it is not about disappearing into the ocean.

    the sea of ​​life

    But become ocean.

    On the one hand it is disappearance, and on the other hand it is rebirth.

    So are we.

    We can only go ahead and risk it.

    After all, life doesn't wait for us to fix our hair, put on our shoes, put on lipstick. The train of life is on time. It doesn't slow, it doesn't turn, it doesn't reverse. Be ready. hurry up.

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