The Reincarnation of Animals

We humans reincarnate for the purpose of evolution, learning and healing. When we are on Earth, we can reincarnate in the same family, be the father or mother of whom we were children in the other life, brother of our parents and so on. When we reincarnate with the same spirits several times in different ways, we call it “kindred souls,” which is why we have so many affinities with a great friend, brother, uncle, father or mother, as you have come on a long journey together.

And with the animals? Can it happen too? Yes, a little animal can reincarnate in the same family, because they don't take long to return to the world, after all they are not sinners, they do not do evil, they do not wish evil and they are beings of nature. Domestic animals are more evolved than wild ones; they reincarnate in search of knowledge and experience. But before they were domestic animals, like a kitten or a dog, they were already inferior, that is, they already came as an alligator, leopard or tiger to have this experience.

The little animal, when it disincarnates, stays for a while in the environment where it used to live so that it does not suffer so much from the separation. That's why some more sensitive people feel the presence of their pet. As they are pure beings and do not need to heal or forgive anything, they arrive at the astral plane clean of any Karma and rich in experiences. After they detach from Earth, they join others of the same species, taking everything they have learned. As they are clean souls, they soon feel the need to return to Earth, and this happens between 10 and 30 days, so there is a chance that the pet will return to the house where it lived.

To reincarnate is to evolve, according to Chico Xavier

No human being reincarnates as a plant or a mountain. We are always reincarnating in search of evolution. We have gone through several ways to acquire experience and experience, such as being thin, fat, tall, short, female, male, etc. In animals it is the same.

The Reincarnation of Animals
Tookapic /Pexels / Canva

They don't reincarnate a cat and then come as an elephant, because before he was a cat, he was already an elephant, so that goes against the rules of evolution. Nothing regresses. According to Chico Xavier, pets are like younger brothers who need love and affection. In addition, they are in the process of evolution. “Animals, unlike men, do not have the time of erraticity (a more or less long interval between one incarnation and another). When he dies, almost instantly his soul or vital energy is attracted magnetically and by affinity to yet another incarnation process.”

According to Emmanuel, mentor of Chico Xavier, in the work “Alvorada do Reino”: “the animal moves towards the condition of the human being, just as the human being evolves towards the angel. Therefore, it has a soul and, like all of God's creations, is fatally linked to the law of progress. In the animal kingdom, consciousness, like a chrysalis, moves in all the shades of destiny, in the direction of intelligence, aiming at the conquest of reason sublimated by discernment. They evolve, within the limits that their condition offers, but towards universal consciousness.”

“When we love our animal and give it love, affection and attention, when it disincarnates, friendly spirits bring it back so that we don't miss it. We are here to help you on your journey, so whoever mistreats an animal goes against God's laws, because his laws are for the preservation of nature. Certainly, whoever kicks or mistreats an animal is someone who has not yet learned to love”, concludes Chico Xavier.

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When human beings learn that animals are beings of nature, creatures of God who deserve respect, love and affection, that they are not things without souls and feelings, surely there will be a much greater evolution in the human species, then love will prevail and violence and ill-treatment will not exist in such a grand manner. When they learn to look at a pet with the eyes of the soul and understand that they are only here to send love and make us better people, maybe we will have less need for so many incarnations.

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