The real meaning of success

    The word “success”, for many, has a very objective meaning. But if we stop to think about it, it's actually totally subjective. Being successful is something very complex, because it consists of much more than pre-established patterns; it has much more to do with the life story of each one. One person might associate success with a brilliant career, another might associate it with professional advancement, and a third with starting his own business. Success is much more related to satisfaction and happiness than professional or social position.

    It is essential to recognize the meaning that success has in your life, because only then is it possible to pursue what makes sense to you, instead of wasting time chasing things that are important to other people.

    It is worth mentioning that success does not happen only to those who follow this or that career and are closely linked to doing their best, regardless of what it is. When you set a goal and perform a task, whether related to the professional or personal scope, and realize that you did your best, you realize the magic of happiness and the fantastic and contagious feeling that satisfaction causes us.

    The real meaning of success
    bruce mars / Unsplash / Me Without Borders

    But I come here, through this text, to ask you, noble and dear reader, that, if you still don't have it, seek the true meaning of success.

    Because life is such a sensitive thing, and our passage is so brief that, in the end, success is nothing more than being happy.

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    Whether with regard to love, pain, mistakes, failures... our life is a succession of constant constructions, which can be walls, bridges, doors, windows... in short, success is looking back and seeing that it was all worth it. , and that the teachings of this great constant and divine construction made you proud of your entire trajectory. Because success is being proud of who you are.

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