My Experience as a Volunteer at Kadampa Buddhist Temple

    My Experience as a Volunteer at Kadampa Buddhist Temple

    In September, I decided to volunteer at a Buddhist Temple, the Kadampa Meditation Center, in Cabreúva – SP.

    I called a friend, signed up, and off we went. On the road, not knowing what to expect. Sem has not even been to CabreĂşva ever!

    All I felt was an urge, a call to go.

    We woke up at 5:00 am, had breakfast and took the car. The road seemed to guess that that weekend would be extraordinary!

    We saw the sunrise along the way. The closer we got to our destination, the sky and nature became more and more beautiful and vivid.

    Upon arriving at the entrance gate of the Temple, that peace. An atmosphere of silence and positive energy that surrounded him.

    We have already started our accommodation by working, renewing the offerings to Shakyamuni Buddha. A meditative, mindful work. Mainly because of handling crystal pots with water. This for a person like me is a constant challenge, given the hundreds of crockery, glass and crystals already broken by the hands of this one who writes to you.

    With each work completed in the Temple, a mantra is chanted, spoken or mentalized in devotion and emptiness.

    With the task in the Temple completed, I went to the canteen. I met Kika, an amazing woman! MPB singer, mother, owner of a contagious laugh and volunteer from the Temple, out of love.

    It was with Kika that I spent most of my stay at the Temple.

    Upon arriving at the canteen, I prepared the material to wash the bathrooms. I have never washed bathrooms with such care! In the Temple, we do all kinds of work, as everything is in the service of love, compassion and the Buddhas. Everything is maintained with volunteer work.

    After a break and another, classes on the course on Buddhism began, inside the Temple, taught by the resident Monk, Gen Kelsang Tsultrim. We always started with a meditation. And, as a child, I was very attentive to everything the Monk ministered. The classes were very pleasant, with practical teachings for our daily lives.

    Without knowing it, my friend Cuca and I went on a very special weekend to the Temple. Twice a month the Offering to the Spiritual Guide is made. We were able to participate in the organization, contribution of the offerings and the main ceremony.

    After the ceremony, some volunteers arranged to meet at 6:30 am the next day to do a morning meditation near the Bodhi tree. Without hesitation, I confirmed my presence. And in the morning, for the first time in my life, I was meditating beside a Bodhi Tree, with the sun rising from behind the mountains of Serra do Japi.

    After the meditation, we had coffee and started the class on the “Fast Path to Great Ecstasy” from the course “Free Yourself from Pain and Suffering”.

    Back at work in the canteen, I already felt part of that place. Familiar with all beings. Including the spiders, which I started to see differently there. Anyone who has known me since I was little knows how terrified I was for them. However, after a quasi-class with a monk and a Buddhist at the lunch table, I allowed myself to work on this issue of dread in order to start looking at and appreciating them as mothers. After all, they are mothers, have children, care, live, feel. The difference between me and them is the species. And also the fact that I'm still not a mother (laughs).

    On Sunday, visitation is much higher than on Saturday. We serve a lot of people in the canteen who came for the monitored visit. It was an incredible experience. Looks, exchanged words, kindnesses.

    Finishing the service, I went to the Temple for the Prayers for World Peace. I already knew the weekend was coming to an end.

    Morning Meditation, Bodhi Tree
    Kadampa Temple
    Temple after the ceremony
    Giselli and Cuca

    Feelings of welcome and a lot of love were very present on this magical weekend! Not everything I experienced I can write or translate. For feeling and intention happen here in the heart. But do you know when you feel full and unconditional happiness?

    Meeting people and hearing their stories has always fascinated me. Hearing Buddha's teachings, told by a Buddhist monk, in a temple full of peace, was a unique experience! Lots of presence and connection in that place.

    The most incredible: anyone can volunteer, meet, participate in courses and meditations. I signed up through the website.

    And, I can say, it was one of the most beautiful things that happened to me! I am grateful for everyone who welcomed me so well. But as Buddha said, "Don't believe what I say, test it for yourself."


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