The power of writing to accomplish what you want

    Have you ever stopped to think about the difference between that story of the three little pigs that you heard an adult tell and the one you read later? The main difference is that the story told always gains a new element. You listen, then reproduce it your way and the story is transformed, as if it were alive. Even the guy who told you the first time will change at least one word the next time he tells someone else. Written history, on the other hand, is recorded in the same way forever.

    There is no story superior to another, whether written or spoken. After all, those lacking in the knowledge of writing have nothing to say? They do, and a lot! Spoken history is alive and transforms over time, adapting to the particularities of its time. Written history, on the other hand, has the advantage of being eternal and being able to be passed on in its exact form from generation to generation, including giving the feeling that it is something more official than what was defined by orality. But why does writing have this superiority?

    When we get the idea or the intention inside our mind, it ends up getting lost with the other thousands of thoughts. But when we write this, the idea goes on paper and doesn't come out. What is born as an intention in our head then becomes a goal and is planted like a seed on paper.

    Every end of the year has those promises of new attitudes for the new year that is coming. “I'm going to lose weight”, “I'm going to get a new job”, “I'm going to change my way of being” and so on. Although there are no official data, certainly not even 1% of the intentions expressed in speeches end up materializing during the following year. How about writing those goals? In fact, not only write them down, but also put your goals in your field of vision so that you come across them daily.

    And for those who think it's just self-help talk, writing is very good for your health. According to a study done by the University of Kansas, USA, writing helped in the treatment of women with breast cancer. This does not necessarily mean healing. But in quality of life. In the same way that writing helps us to materialize goals, writing also allows us to let out everything we were carrying inside us, including worries, fears and other negative feelings.

    The power of writing to accomplish what you wantDon't focus on grammatical errors, agreement or what others will think. All of this improves with training. Basically, writing is starting something with a capital letter and ending everything with a period. What's in between is just a bunch of ideas, dreams and goals that are inside you. And what's inside you is so valuable that no one can take it away from you, how about giving it a little push to turn it into reality? Just start with a pencil and paper.

    • Text written by Diego Rennan from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team
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