The power of the mind, how to control your thoughts

Have you heard about SAR? Your answer will probably be “no”, because most people are unaware of the existence of this primordial mechanism so that you can ACHIEVE everything you WANT!

Calm! This is not a purely scientific text, believe me. The focus here is to help you understand how it is possible to ACHIEVE GOALS using your Reticular Activation System (SAR) in your favor!

The functioning of the RAS is aimed at filtering the information absorbed by our mind, that is, making it easily perceived by our brain, however this system does not distinguish what is right or wrong, it only captures what is being identified as priority and essential. for our existence. From this, all our senses will be attentive so that we conquer/achieve what is indicated as a priority, any signal will be quickly detected and we will be prepared to follow a certain direction.

The power of the mind, how to control your thoughts

Now, it seems quite easy and logical… so you ask yourself: why don't things happen the way I want them to happen?

Well, let's reflect for a moment: do you have real/achievable goals? Have you listed your true priorities? When you imagine yourself reaching your goal, what thoughts do you have?

I have news for you: there is a tendency to have negative thoughts, highlighting our limitations and often generating a state of self-sabotage. When this happens, the SAR changes focus and “misconfigures” what should be a priority.

The power of the mind, how to control your thoughts

What to do then? Act! Look for ways to isolate those thoughts that distract you from your focus, believe in your creative ability to achieve and use RAS to your advantage!

First tip of the series “TAKE CARE of your THOUGHTS and make it HAPPEN”: buy a notebook for your goals/goals, write them down, set deadlines and set priorities. Get out of inertia and start now!

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Give your main goal a name and think about it as much as you can. Change your passwords, replace them with it, write it on your mirror, stick it on your fridge… In short, find ways to direct all your energies towards achieving it on time.

What are you waiting for? What's left for you to start now?

Therapeuticize yourself!

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