The power of self-healing

For millennia, the subject of self-healing has been addressed in various fields of human knowledge. There are two main branches which are the alternative medicine (we can put alchemy, reiki, acupuncture, shamanism, faith and prayers here) and the quantum physics.

The power of self-healing

The famous alchemist Nicolas Flamel (1330-1418) lived in the Middle Ages to help people with so-called magical potions for the purpose of healing them. The most famous legend about Flamel was that he was able to turn stone into gold. What nobody talks about was the magician's healing power.

I cannot fail to mention Jesus Christ, who for more than 2 thousand years healed by placing his hands on those who believed from the bottom of his soul that he could be healed, it was enough to thank him for what happened.

We are autonomous beings and automatons, but most people do not believe in their self-healing power. Exercising a connection with the Universe is the channel to self-healing! It sounds simple, and it is. As it requires a lot of effort, people prefer to self-medicate.

The power of self-healing

Do you know what harms you?

About 20 or 30 years ago, self-healing was the stuff of crazy, crazy esoterics. Today the practice is becoming more and more common. Sign that we are in the fourth dimension of truth and this is excellent news.

Have you ever noticed the drug industry? There's a pharmacy on every corner and streets with drugstores next to each other. How can so much competing trade survive in such close proximity? A lack of belief in personal healing power. For centuries we have placed beliefs in medicines. (I am not advocating complete withdrawal from continuous use drugs, nor can I do that. All treatment must be continued).

But a parent who at the first sign of an allergy or attention deficit disorder in a child applies medication will create an allopathy addict. Everything comes from the crib. We are indoctrinated from home.

The power of self-healing

Have you ever thought about being independent?

Substitute medication for meditation (act of relaxation from the breath) regular will heal your fears in the foreground. More secure, you will eat better, you will create healthier habits, more life in your life.

Creating an independent stance is thinking that you can be a healthier being. You know those people who suggest like this: when winter comes, I already get the flu. Bingo, you'll catch the flu. I can't stay in a dusty place, which already attacks my (sense of possession) allergic rhinitis.

There are a hundred minor illnesses that are merely suggestible. Of course, if they are not taken care of, they will get worse and you could be an elderly person or elderly woman completely dependent on medication. I know elderly people who drink real cocktails.

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Healthy habits include healthy eating, cutting out chemical drinks, regular exercise, meditation, creating or using healthy mantras.

Look at a good mantra:

 Repeat this even if you are not yet fully healthy until such time as your reptilian brain registers the repeated new information, and bingo, your life will be healthy. Just respect the transformation process, and soon everything will be fine. Focus on your self-healing.
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