The number 7 and the month of July

This is the seventh element of the number table of Pythagorean Numerology. The word that represents you and its first meaning is spirituality.

The month of July refers to the number 7, in general terms, a very favorable time to take care of what strengthens us in the spiritual sense.

The existence of spirituality is essential for human development, and this does not refer to any type or religious bond. It happens freely and liberatingly. Promoting an encounter and union with your inner Divine Being.

In the search for self-knowledge, understanding of life, events and challenges. As well as acceptance, overcoming and transmutation, the embrace with spirituality is necessary and very welcome.

Much has already been said, presented and verified, even with different resources from traditional scientific evidence. The effects and results of an existing spirituality, inherent and well cared for, can promote profound processes of life transformation and even healing.

Numerology in its deep wisdom in the sequence of numbers and their functions, presents us with 7 as the number that points to take care of your interior, spirituality, internal energy, inner health, intuition, reflection, connection.

The number 7 and the month of July
Cottonbro's photo on Pexels

If we observe, this path has been increasingly frequented and traveled. Representing an awakening or deepening, by old or new adepts, who have recently multiplied. It is no longer restricted to mystics or alternatives, knowing and applying energy or spiritual care practices, individually and often collectively. As well as the contact with nature and the use of its reconstructive and healing properties, pointed out and carried out in its breadth by Naturopathy.

The month of July also has the representation of 7. The invitation is clear. Stop, slow down, check your energy, open to it, recognize yourself and take care of yourself. The spiritual and spirituality will be your best allies to have a little serenity, peace and hope. Find and create new paths and new ways of living.

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The planet has been beset by a moment of challenge not before presented in any history book. Events, information, social configurations, individual sensations and losses, new perspectives, care, new habits, projects, and the importance of the collective, among other sensations, are new and unprecedented situations. All this leads us to reflection, new understandings, new attitudes and many fears, diseases, fears, social syndromes, violence and needs. And it is in this moment of great pressure, situations in which no logical, physical and material explanation is enough to soften hearts and bring hope, that spirituality gains space and is invited to those who have left it for a long time without space to their routine and even welcomed by those who have never experienced it before.

It is important, when dealing with the 7th and the month of July, to make it clear that it is the primary energy of the 7th month. And that there are still two other possibilities, in addition to the 7th.

As a second calculation, we will have in 2020 a July with energy 11 and 2.

The number 7 and the month of July
Photo from Pixabay not Pexels

The 2 refers to completeness or complementation through partnerships, a helping hand, solidarity. And 11 refers to a master number, and indicates using and expanding the wisdom brought in the DNA of the Soul, ancestral wisdom, to be polished and offered.

And as a third possible calculation, we refer to the calculation of the personal year and personal month that is presented through the personal and individual map of each person.

Of all the calculation formulas and interpretations brought to the month of July, in all of them we found lessons, aids, guidelines and directions. The invitation is made, learn more about the power of numbers, the validity of Numeroterapia, order your personal and annual map and perceive your life and your surroundings more clearly and with direction.

* About the meanings of 1 to 9, I have an e-book that I sell to fans of numerology, scholars of the subject and seekers of self-knowledge.

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