The power of massage for your health

If you are one of those people who believe that massage only brings aesthetic benefits, you can start to change your concepts. In addition to relaxation, the power of touching the skin is able to provide improvements in the health of the body and mind.

In general, massage strengthens the immune system, fights stress and increases dopamine in the body, the neurotransmitter responsible for the sensation of pleasure, which explains the feeling of relaxation and well-being after a massage session.

Physical benefits of massage
  • Improves breathing.
  • Helps in blood circulation.
  • Reduces headache and problems such as tiredness.
  • Improves skin and hair health.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Improves mobility.
  • Reduces muscle spasms.
  • Provides more flexibility for the body.
  • Improves performance in physical activities.
  • Accelerated wound healing.
  • Improves posture due to improper muscle tension.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
stress and pain

After five minutes of massage some improvements can already be felt in the body. At this time, some residues are already removed from the muscles, so the nerves are calmed and the tendons and ligaments are stretched. The circulation of the massaged site is boosted so that the heart does not accelerate. The oxygen index is also increased considerably. This set of transformations can bring improvements such as headache control without the use of pills; feelings of depression are replaced by positive, optimistic thoughts; digestion, skin quality, circulation and sleep and another series of benefits happen:

  • Immediate relaxation.
  • Reduction of expression marks and wrinkles.
  • Relief from cramps and abdominal pain.
  • Decreased anxiety and tension.
  • Reduces problems associated with repetitive tasks.
  • Improves the functioning of the lymphatic system.
  • Reduces the effects of aging.
  • Provides a feeling of well-being.

The power of massage for your health

Therapeutic massage

Therapeutic massage is a form of treatment used since ancient times. Currently, there are about 80 different massage techniques for each situation or problem in order to achieve healing and well-being for the patient. The technique can be practiced by professionals in the aesthetic field and others such as osteopaths and physiotherapists.

Treatment goals:

  1. Promote relaxation and well-being (relaxation massage)
  2. Solve clinical problems (clinical massage)
  3. Improve posture, movement and body awareness (re-education movement)
  4. Balance and energy (energy work).

Benefits of Therapeutic Massage:

  • Feeling of energy and well-being
  • Improves the body's ability to recognize stress signals and respond appropriately
  • Relieves mental stress
  • Reduces anxiety.
Massages clinics

Muscle Energy Technique:

Designed to increase ease of movement. Uses the reeducation movement to improve posture and body awareness. The technique provides lightness in the body and a feeling of freedom, through exercises that teach correct ways to move.

Energy work:

The technique consists of supporting the flow of energy in the body, through light touches or keeping the hands on the skin, in order to make the blocked energy circulate freely through the body. These include Reiki, Polarity and Therapeutic Touch, as well as massage traditions such as acupuncture, Amma, Shiatsu and Tuina.

Myofascial Release and Neuromuscular Therapy:

The aim is to optimize the functioning of the facial system, including techniques such as compression-static and listening/following craniosacral rhythm.
These are also components of craniosacral therapy.

β€’ Friction cross-fiber
β€’ Deep slip
β€’ Holding
β€’ J-AVC
β€’ Stretching Manual
β€’ Traction
β€’ Circulating skin
β€’ Rocking
β€’ Pushes
β€’ Agitation and vibration.

Neuromuscular Therapy:

It is intended to alleviate local tissue dysfunction, including trigger points, ischemia, inflammation, muscle hypertonia, and nerve invasion. For the development, 15 component techniques are performed, including the application of cold and heat compression, direct pressure, vibration and centered on trigger points, etc.

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