the power of energy

    Professionals who study the human energy field say that we live in an ocean of energy, which constantly interacts with us. Therefore, throughout our lives, we live with people with different energy levels.

    Some of them convey happiness, disposition and enthusiasm; others, suck our vital energies, generating in us tiredness, lack of courage, bad mood. But how to identify these energy thieves? Think for a moment about the people around you.

    Is there someone who always complains to you about their partner, their mother, their financial situation? Is there someone who likes to call you and spend hours talking about their own lives, but doesn't even let you talk about your daily life? It is these individuals who drain your energy and waste your time.

    Another type of person who steals your energy is the envious, considered as one who ignores all that he is and possesses to covet what belongs to the next. More than that, those who feel envy find themselves in a field of continuous dissatisfaction and permanent complaint.

    Try telling that “friend” that you are happy, fulfilled, that you are succeeding and that you have met a love that has transformed your life for the better. Notice his expression. Is it possible to notice the air of rejection, of envy? You will still hear comments like: “how lucky you” or “there's no good that always lasts, huh?”

    Envy, one of the seven deadly sins, is one of the main difficulties that society has to live with. This feeling is manifested through happiness with the failure of the other, with the desire for something bad to happen to you. Those who live well, who work well, and who seek to improve are envied and targets for gossip, criticism, and destructive behavior.

    To deal with this, I try to ignore envious people, without allowing them to get to me. I follow the advice of Saint Augustine: “Know yourself, accept yourself, overcome yourself”. So, trust in yourself, in your potential, and don't be influenced by negative or envious people. Believe, as I do, in law of action and reaction, and you don't need to do anything else. The return of positive actions reflects in our lives.

    the power of energy

    With the case of overcoming that I told in the previous text, I wanted to show you the importance of being close to people who do well, who like you, who don't ask for anything in return and who, above all, cheer for your success. This is the highest degree of true friendship. This is the point where we can differentiate admiration from envy.

    Be around people who admire you and believe in your life mission, who really care about you! Their energy is positive, amazing and will make you stronger every day!

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