The power of creation, the power of intuition and the removal of shadows

Beloved! this month of March 2019 will be remarkable within the changes that promote the planetary transition.

The successive waves of energies come in the form of pulses. What differs from the previous waves is that this month we will have 3 big waves, and they will be much stronger than the previous ones.

Reviewing the planetary transition issue a little, since 2012 we have been receiving this infusion of crystalline light directly from the Cosmic Central Sun. It is there that the source of all Creation is. It is this energy that creates everything in the multiple universes. According to its intensity, it creates and feeds these worlds, which, as they move through infinity, receive more and more light and energy, causing them to evolve.

Our galaxy (Milky Way) receives this light through the Galactic Central Sun. Then it is distributed in all its quadrants through other minor suns.

The power of creation, the power of intuition and the removal of shadows

We, here on Earth, receive this light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, through the Central Sun of the Pleiades (Alcyone), and from there, through our Sun, the same one that illuminates us every day.

As everything moves within the multiverse, galaxies with their stars, planets and moons also change positions and eventually intersect throughout the Universe.

This is exactly what is happening now with Earth, the entire Solar System, the Pleiades and the galaxy itself.

We are in a quadrant that has never been transposed before. Therefore, Earth's planetary transition involves the entire Solar System and the entire galaxy. This is a unique event, which makes its grandeur within the Universe.

As these pulses of light reach the Earth, they cause changes so intense that they change the entire context on Earth.

Let's imagine that the Earth was going through its long existential winter. As spring begins, the days gradually warm up, and everything begins to change. The trees, which were without leaves, slowly sprout and become fuller with their green. The prairies are green, and life is renewed. The greater amount of light promotes this โ€œrevivalโ€.

So it happens in this planetary transition

It is the greatest infusion of light that will alter everything here.

The Great Wave of January 21 promoted the anchoring of that light here on Earth. Collective meditation has reached a vibration higher than the minimum necessary for this. Despite everything being natural, human consciousness contributes positively or negatively to the advancement or delay of this anchoring.

Each pulse of light that comes now complements the previous ones. In this month of March, we have 3 big pulses. One was already in the day 3. Another one we're passing through now, 08 e 09/03.

We'll have the mightiest of them in the day 21/3.

In fact, we could not withstand this very strong wave if it came all at once in the day. 21. Then, two pulses were released (03/03 e 08 e 09/03) to equalize the next one, which will be really intense.

There is no need to fear as nothing catastrophic will happen. On the contrary, it is one more step in this scalar ascent of vibrations to the New Dimension.

Basically, this energetic pulse will work the awakened minds more. In these, it will have 3 points of paramount importance, as it will activate the following properties in individuals:

  • the power of creation;
  • the power of intuition and thoughts;
  • removing shadows.The power of creation, the power of intuition and the removal of shadows

In the next text, I will detail a little about these 3 items, because I don't want to lengthen today's text too much.

I would like to remind you that many symptoms can arise whenever a wave of light reaches the Earth. Different for each one, they are similar by coincidences. Physical or emotional pain and discomfort are normal on these days.

Let us remember that the human body is being prepared to inhabit a Fifth Dimensional Earth. Nothing that was appropriate in the Third Dimension will resist vibrations in 5D. Our DNA is turning into GNA. It's a lot in such a short time.

The symptoms are diverse. I wrote about it in a text on the day February 18 de 2019. Such discomforts are caused exactly when the light exposes our shadows. When externalized, light dissipates them. This causes a feeling of pain or discomfort. Also in the change of DNA strands, it is like a physical and organic reconstitution. The new cells already present themselves with their crystalline base more suited to the intensity of the new energy.

However, there is a significant portion of humanity that will not ascend now. For these, nothing changes and they feel nothing during the light pulses. They will, for sure, feel everything at once at the moment of disincarnation. And the difference in vibration will send you out of planet Earth.

There are also many who feel nothing, as they have already gone through the process in advance. They are more prepared and more aware of the changes. So everything is smoother.

The planetary transition process is irreversible. No human force or the low astral plane will be able to stop it. Everything strictly follows the natural laws that govern the worlds and universes. So be it, for so it is!

I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment.


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