The Path to Sensual Enlightenment

Women are amazing creatures and the female body is exquisitely designed.

Naturally intuitive, highly sensual, wonderfully magical, with a great ability to create life and heal life in all forms. All these gifts allow a woman to generate love in life. She is a guardian, creator and lover of life and has the ability to bless life with her words, thoughts and actions. It is her ability to maintain love in all areas of her life that activates her path to sensual enlightenment.

Sensual Enlightenment is the ability to fall in love with yourself so much that the divine universe is able to make love to you. It is in this way that a woman learns to become her own soulmate, when she dares to love herself more than anyone else. It is a path where she claims her sexual energy as a sacred force. Sexual energy is more than just for romance and procreation, it is the life force that, when trained, can be used as fuel to bring vitality to the body, glow to the skin, joy to the heart and vibrant thought to the mind.

Sensual Enlightenment is a path that encourages every woman to discover and honor her inner beauty, until it becomes her outer radiance. From this position, a woman can feel empowered to shine her magnificence and bless life wherever she wants it to go. It teaches a woman to ignite all her senses so that she can fall so in love with life that her bodily temple opens to the joy of living, it is an embodiment of heaven in a woman's body.


It requires you to become your own soulmate and to honor yourself as a sacred being. When this occurs, the relationship with your sexual energy will change. You will not suppress it or give it away to serve others, but you will free your body, heart, mind and soul. Your sexual energy is designed to be sublimated into spiritual energy, making it an essential ingredient for experiencing enlightenment in a very sensual and divinely beautiful way.

The Path to Sensual Enlightenment
Photo by Danielle Pilon from Pexels

When your sex life force learns to flow through your body, every cell in your body blooms with joy, like a flower opening to the sun. Having your sexual energy making love to every part of your body provides rejuvenation, renewal and vitality. Your heart, feet, legs, hands, ears, eyes and nose need to be nourished by your sexual energy, and it is through this process that your skin will glow and your beauty will shine.

Whatever your journey with your sexual energy, one thing is for sure: once it is trained to unite with your heart and then guided to flow towards your crown and connect to the heavens, the sensual magic of the body is activated. This is the ecstatic state of being so in love with yourself that the entire universe begins to make love to you.

The reasons why you may not be able to experience your full sexual nature are numerous. Perhaps you grew up in a family where you were taught to fear your body, or you learned as a teenager to be ashamed or ashamed of your own body. Perhaps you found your sexual nature wild and uncontrolled, and you often found yourself in compromising situations. Or feel that your sexual experiences so far have been unloving and you want to experience intimate love. Perhaps your libido is low and you no longer feel the youthful spark of vitality. Or do you simply crave more!!

The Path to Sensual Enlightenment
Photo by Diana Simumpande on Unsplash

The story of your sexual self is just as important as the story you had with your body, mind, heart and soul. Your sexual energy is a very big part of you; in fact, it activates your hormones, boosts your reproductive system and brings life to your organs. Your sexual energy, when trained to connect to the heavens, will help provide the energetic scaffold for more of your soul to exist in your body. This is because your soul is a high vibrating force that requires physical fuel to exist in the physical world – and your sexual energy is that fuel. When there is more of your soul, you create presence, and when there is more of your sexual energy, you create magnetism. Presence and magnetism are two of the most important qualities needed to live a dynamic life. Presence allows your energy to impact life, and magnetism allows you to draw life towards you.

Training your sexual energy to travel to your heart will help you fall in love with yourself.

Then it will be the potent fuel that opens your heart to fall in love with life. It is from this position that you will be able to encourage a lifetime to fall in love with you. Synchronicities, opportunities and miracles will occur more easily and your ability to manifest will be much better because it is your sexual energy that will help imprint life to create and reflect your heart's desire. When your sexual energy moves towards the top of your head, you help your body defy gravity and this promotes anti-aging. Finally, when your sexual energy shines from your crown and connects to the heavens, you awaken intuitive and healing abilities. This will provide you with deep spiritual insights to help you navigate life and discover your life purpose.

The Path to Sensual Enlightenment
Photo by Retha Ferguson from Pexels


1. Choose to love yourself more than anyone else. This isn't something you do once, it's something you do over and over again. It means that you choose to be kind to yourself, that you turn your criticisms into encouragement, and that you honor your truth first.

Action: Have a date with yourself. Dress up, have a meal and learn to enjoy your own company immensely.

2. Claim your sexual energy as a sacred force. Your sexual energy is a life force designed to sublimate into spiritual energy. This is achieved when you train your sexual energy to ascend to your heart and then to your crown. Action: Do the exercise of “breathing your sexual energy through your chakras” and notice how much energy you have in your body.

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3. Learn to fall in love with life. As you love yourself more, you become open to your love life. It is through this process that you activate heaven to exist around you. Loving the flowers, the sun, the moon and the stars will teach you that life itself is blessing you with abundance… and there is plenty for you if you open your being to receive it. Action: Be grateful for all the nuances of life that surround you. Smell the roses, feel the rough bark or trees, get warm sunlight and smile at everyone who passes you. Use your senses to fall in love with life. A heart filled with gratitude is able to receive more of life's blessings, attract more miracles, and manifest dreams into reality with ease.

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