The path of a limiting life

We live without reflecting, without questioning how we really are, how we feel. In short, we live without answering many questions that are part of your origin and that are reflected in who you are or why you behave in a certain way.
The reality is that everything has a reason, even what you don't understand.

Positive or negative? Which of the two resonates with you the most? Which of the two identities do you know more deeply?

Surely the answer is positive, isn't it? Because no one would want to be and be surrounded by negativity. The correct answer is far from what you think. So why do we know, are, feel or think more negative than positive, if that's not what we want?

It has a very simple explanation: we were shaped by our parents with mostly negative information, feelings, emotions and thoughts. Because that's what they also know and what they've also been formatted with.

The path of a limiting life

With this information, your cells are created, but they are also created with the information that we inherit from our parents at the genetic, ancestral level, as well as the information that you bring and also the information that the whole set of the previous ones leads us to generate unconsciously.

This means that when we are in the mother's womb, we develop more negatively than positively.

But what about all this information? How does it interfere?

We create emotional, thought or behavioral patterns that link to the patterns of the collective unconscious of humanity, which is nothing other than the frequency generated by the collective way of thinking, which is also mostly negative.

What is the next step?

The path of a limiting life

After birth, as a general rule, they teach you based on negative feelings, thoughts and emotions, whether parents, family, imposed beliefs, prejudices or socio-family environment.
Teaching that happens without realizing the impact it will have, but that will continue in the vital stages of academic learning, that is, in childhood and adolescence, where this situation worsens.

Why is it worse at this stage of life?

It's simple, society becomes very cruel at this stage of life, and in addition, children and adolescents still do not have their emotional structure formed, that is, they do not have enough emotional maturity to relate to the social reality with which they are forced to live. list. They find themselves in an environment that labels everyone who is not their equal. From discrimination based on skin color, language, physical appearance, intellectual characteristics, tastes or curiosities. On the one hand, they are subjected to an environment of etiquette, while being asked to be different. A very contradictory reality. This stage is one of the most difficult for the human being, because with the lived reality, you increase the way you think and feel negatively, above all, in relation to yourself, seriously damaging your self-esteem, confidence, security or value. .

What is the main consequence of all this?

The path of a limiting life

The limitation, which becomes a partner in all aspects of life, that is, in its development. This โ€œcompanionโ€ is the basis of this much-awaited stage in adolescence and early youth, where you seek independence and create the basis for family and work stability.

But how does this limitation affect this need?

In fact, it does much more than we think, because we feed this limitation with all the emotional framework that precedes us, causing fears, instability, annulment, etc. Therefore, we face this stage with many weaknesses. This leads us to accept toxic relationships and situations, which force us to act in a life that is not what we dream or want, but we accept it as a result of everything that has happened until that moment.

This leads you to a situation where you are the most toxic being to yourself, especially because you don't see what you are being and you continue to generate more negativity, because it is what you know the most, what you live in and how you live.

The path of a limiting life

We create a life based on limitation and resignation, where they are so frequent that they are already ingrained in you, without questioning whether it makes sense to keep them.

When you reach the last stage of life, you don't realize that along the trajectory you created, you became angry, generated pain or symptoms of discomfort. Because we don't understand the responsibility in life and the destiny you have created for yourself, you become angry or sad because you feel that when you could enjoy life, you cannot because negativity and its consequences overwhelm you.

Because this result causes you to lose health and increase limitations, ignoring the true emotional freedom, joy and self-esteem, which we so desire throughout life.

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Now comes the big question: how can we change this current situation and change the future we have started to create?

It is necessary to change education, ours, individual for each human being, no matter how old we are, but it is necessary to change education and the way of educating. Therefore, being aware of all this, the first thing we can do is change in the present moment and re-educate ourselves to change the way of living in everyday life and also in the future. In this way, it not only changes you, but we can also change education in the way of being born, giving children a different education, based on positive feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Why is this change important?

It is everyone's responsibility, including yours, to educate and create without conditions, based on emotional freedom, support, encouragement and togetherness.

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