How to Make Your Fear Your Public Speaking Ally

A lot of people have some level of fear of public speaking, and that's considered a bad thing. However, if used well, this emotion can be your ally to speak in front of many people.

To help you understand better, imagine two mountain climbers: one has a certain level of fear of heights, while the second has no fear at all. While the first takes all the necessary precautions, the second often ends up giving up security items, due to his high degree of trust. By not being afraid, the second climber is risking his life.

How to Make Your Fear Your Public Speaking Ally
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Returning to the fear of public speaking, those who have a natural aptitude or are extremely extroverted may not prepare as well for a presentation. On the other hand, someone with some kind of fear is so concerned that they pay attention to every detail and prepare a lot.

Due to a possible fear of forgetting what he is going to say, this person ends up rehearsing a lot for what he is going to present and ends up having a complete mastery of the subject. So, in a way, fear can be an ally so that you are always as prepared as possible when giving a great presentation.

Fear can't stop you

Having a little fear or apprehension is a positive thing. Feeling butterflies in the stomach is one of the most natural things in human beings. Even great artists who are used to performing for thousands of people report that they continue to feel that butterflies in their stomachs. In fact, many say that when an artist stops feeling that, it's time to end their career, as they no longer find the motivation to do their work.

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But if you get VERY nervous before speaking in public, that's not so positive, because it can stall you or impair the performance of your presentation. If your hand shakes too much and your voice can barely get out, it's because fear has taken hold of you and is getting in your way.

Is it possible to end fear?

If the fear you feel is so great that it holds you back or hinders you, you need to get rid of it. There are a few ways to eliminate the fear of public speaking or to control it.

First, find the source of the fear and the cause of this discomfort (sweating, shaking, turning red, stuttering), and then treating it. In this case, the great insight is to ask yourself: “Why am I afraid of public speaking? When did this fear arise? Our brain is always trying to keep us in the comfort zone to spend as little energy as possible. It's our primal survival instinct. Therefore, to lose this fear, you will need to get out of that comfort zone, that is, face what ails you.

But how to do this? Replacing the thinking you have about yourself – such as, “I can't speak in public”, “I'm a failure when I talk to too many people” – and, most importantly, also changing your feeling. Then say and FEEL: “I can speak in public”, “I can express myself to many people”. Finally, create and repeat to yourself your own sentence, feeling it, of course!

Possibly the block was created from some childhood situation and was registered in the subconscious. You may still feel fragile, helpless, just as you felt in the situation that created the blockage.

Give your mind new content so that it triggers the right command to your body when speaking to an audience. The mind just obeys the command we record.

How to Make Your Fear Your Public Speaking Ally
Pexels – ICSA

If your blockage is too big, you may need the help of a professional. But don't be ashamed to seek help, this situation is very common, and professionals in the area are there for that. Just don't be ashamed to recognize and take the necessary step: ask for help!

Faced with the fear situation, you have two options: either face this fear that dominates you or deal with this difficulty for the rest of your life. As much as you think you won't face many situations in which you need to speak in public, this is a mistake, because the human being is a being who lives in a group and always needs to communicate.

There may be many situations where speaking well in public may be important to you. The benefits of having a good public speaking skills are numerous, not to mention that the satisfaction of having overcome and overcome the fear of public speaking will be indescribable. Make your fear a springboard for your personal improvement. Study, take courses, train, seek challenges to expose yourself to the public. Make your fear your ally!

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