the moral laws

    Beloved! No humanity belonging to the Worlds of Trials and Atonements would survive with their own Laws, if there were no Natural Laws of Creation of the Worlds, also called Moral Laws.

    Divine creation never ceases. It evolves because it follows the rules dictated by its Creator. All the experiences that souls need to acquire take place in countless Universes, with their Galaxies, Stars and Planets, following what is called Rise.

    the moral laws
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    When we compare Planet Earth with a School, it is not a metaphor, but a way of better understanding how the learning of the souls incarnated here takes place, as they are submitted to the veil of forgetfulness. No longer remembering who they really are, learning is achieved through successive reincarnations, each one as if it were unique.

    So there are always opportunities, for even if the soul fails, it will have opportunities later on. It is the Laws that govern the Universes that define the curriculum of each School of Souls. They are sovereign and do not depend on local Laws, created by the humanities of each Planet or each Star.

    Here on Earth, there are specific Divine Laws suitable for Terran humanity. They are defined as MORAL LAWS. This makes us understand what morality and immorality mean. It is these Laws that will define who is ready now to ascend or not.

    Even if each human being is subject to the Laws of Men, they do not interfere with the Greater Laws. Since the command positions on this Planet emerged, these commanders have surrounded themselves with certain norms, not exactly to organize the people, but to guarantee themselves in their posts.

    The Laws and their Codes may even provide some guideline for the behavior of the community, but they have never, in fact, guaranteed their rights. And now, at the time when everyone will be able to know the truth and the revelations of it, all humanity will see who really ruled them for all time.

    When we remember the famous phrase, “AND YOU SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH, AND IT SHALL MAKE YOU FREE”, we will be sure that such revelations are underway now. Never, at any time in history, has such evidence been so clear. Today, in the light of day, everyone already realizes that Human Laws always benefit, at first hand, those who created them.

    the moral laws
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    How many times have we seen certain personalities boasting stratospheric positions and gains, and they don't feel unfair, as they justify such situations as "within the Law". Yes, within the Law that they themselves created in order to benefit from it. We have the case of high salaries, high pensions and an infinity of perks, always offered to a handful of beneficiaries who, most of the time, did nothing to deserve it. But they raise their heads and knock on the table, saying it's legal, because the Law allows it.

    Yes, it is legal under the Law of Men, but it is Immoral under the Moral Laws. Always remembering that it will not be the Laws of Men that will give the safe conduct for a soul to ascend. Everything was allowed in this school of souls, but only those who understood and practiced the Higher Laws will, in fact, be approved.

    It will be useless to say who he was while incarnated, but how he practiced these Divine Laws. It will be useless to say that he followed the Laws of Men, as they will always be subject to the Higher Laws. Nobody can deceive what is printed in the creation of the Worlds.

    I wrote, in an ancient text, that there is a library in the Central Sun Alcyone, in the Pleiades, where is the record of every soul incarnated on Earth, from its first incarnation here, until the present moment. Every minute and every second, both while incarnated and the period between lives, that is, in the Astral Earth beyond the grave. Even the thoughts and intentions of each are recorded there.

    So, how can anyone circumvent such Laws? I've also written before that the Universe knows where everyone is. He knows the address of each incarnated soul, both in this current existence and in previous ones. There will be no mistakes within such Laws. There will be no one more authority or less authority when it comes to applying them. It will be a great moment, but, above all, justice, indeed!

    the moral laws
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    It will be useless to justify that the Human Laws allowed it. Not only in wages, but in all known activities. In all acts performed. In all requests submitted. In illicit business; in the lies; in disinformation; in the personal interest to the detriment of the collective interest; in unfair competition; in slavery to work and debt; in easy profit; anyway, the list here would be huge.

    Today's judges will be tomorrow's defendants. That is why we have heard since childhood that the Divine Law delays but does not fail. Nothing could be more true and logical. Learning the lessons in a School of Souls certainly includes practicing the Moral Laws. No one will escape the Last Judgment. No one can escape from himself, that is, from his conscience, for we are a conscience. It will be this consciousness that may or may not ascend now.

    The times have come, and those who hold power over humanity are afraid. They know their time has come. But they also know that they failed the Moral Laws, and that brings despair now. There is nowhere to hide and nowhere to run, for no one runs away from himself.

    It won't do any good to try to implant dictatorships to protect themselves, because it won't be the Laws of Men that will judge them, but the Moral Laws that govern the Worlds. Sad end for those who thought they were, in fact, invincible. The Universe turns in its spiral, and this cycle also closes here on Earth. The Age of Light is finally among us. We can already feel the first rays of its dawn.

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    I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment.


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