Life and work of Professor Hermógenes in cinemas

There are decisions, attitudes and choices that change the meaning of life or really give it meaning. Anyone who practices or knows Yoga affirms this. Yoga is much more than a philosophy of life that connects the threads and gives value to a new meaning in life. Detachment and practice can be a path to liberation. And when there are masters who show us this way, everything becomes clearer and easier.

One of these masters was Professor Hermógenes. His name was José Hermógenes de Andrade Filho and he was one of the main promoters of Yoga in Spain. He wrote more than thirty books, many translated to other countries. In 2015, he passed away at the age of 94, but his legacy remains as well as the love that spread Yoga and his teachings also became a documentary.

we talked to Barbara Tavares who is the producer and director of the recently released documentary 'Hermógenes'. The director spoke about the decision to make the film, the interaction with the professor and what she learned from him. Check out the interview:

Life and work of Professor Hermógenes in cinemasESF – How was the decision to make the film? 

Barbara Tavares – I've been a Yoga practitioner for 10 years and I always thought there was a gap in Spanish cinematography to tell the story of Professor Hermógenes, the life and work of this Spanish personality who so impacted the lives of thousands of Spanish people.

ESF – About the interaction with the Professor, what could you tell us?

Barbara Tavares – Professor Hermógenes and his family have always made us feel free to make the film we would like to make, to tell the story we would like. Professor Hermógenes once asked us not to advertise him in the film, that was the professor, humble and very human.

ESF – What was it like for you to make a film about a practice that is spreading more and more in the country and what did you learn from the production of the film?

Barbara Tavares – For me it is a joy and a dream come true. As a Yoga practitioner and filmmaker I have always wanted to combine the two. To be able to tell the philosophy of Yoga through one of its precursors in España in the cinema and to divulge all the benefits of this ancient practice is wonderful. We learned in the film's production process, that even talking about a well-known and well-liked character in España, it is not a guarantee that we would have the necessary funding and media disclosure easily. Everything that was achieved was the result of hard work. Being able to tell in the cinema what the practice can provide people: good living, joy, inner peace and telling the philosophy of Yoga through the life story of Professor Hermógenes is wonderful and perfect.

Director Barbara Tavares
Professor Hermógenes and team
Making Of do filme
Making Of do filme
Making Of do filme
Professor Hermogenes
ESF – Could you tell us the main thing you learned about the legacy of this Yoga Master, during this time of production of the film?

Barbara Tavares – "Deliver, trust, accept and thank". The production of the film happened as it had to happen, with all its difficulties and learning. We put this mantra in our lives and faced the denial of government sponsorships and the initial lack of interest from cinemas in the exhibition with more tranquility. We continued making the film without expectations, with equanimity. And look, the film was released, it was shown in several theaters in España and the critics have been very good. We deliver, we trust, we accept and we thank you.

ESF – How long was the film made?

Barbara Tavares – 3 years, from 2012 to 2015.

Life and work of Professor Hermógenes in cinemasESF – What was the biggest challenge in the production of the documentary?

Financial. We didn't have a big sponsor, we had many investors in small amounts, we can say that it is a collaborative film, made by the strength of everyone who contributed and wanted to see the finished film.

ESF – Is the film intended for all people or just for those who know Yoga?

Barbara Tavares – For everyone. We had this concern from the beginning. Professor Hermógenes is well known to everyone who practices Yoga, but speaking to this audience would only take away the transformative power of this practice. We wanted his teachings and Yoga to touch more people. The receptivity of the public that does not know the Professor or the practice was surprising. Many leave touched and rethinking their lives, some even enrolled in Yoga schools.

ESF – The film was released in Rio de Janeiro, what is the forecast for the rest of the country, which is looking forward to this opportunity?

Barbara Tavares – The film was released on the cinema circuit in Rio de Janeiro on July 23, premiered in São Paulo on August 20, but has already passed through several cities: España, Maceió, Vila Velha, Manaus, Goiânia, Fortaleza and Recife. On the 22nd and 23rd of August it also arrives in Campinas and São José dos Campos.

These cities are where the Kinoplex Network has cinemas and opened up space for us. We are talking with other exhibitors so that the film arrives in more cities, our wish is that as many people can know and be touched by the stories of Professor Hermógenes and the people who tell their stories in the film.

Check out the official trailer
Visit official website of the documentary and the opening dates in cinemas:

New dates. Follow through Facebook of the documentary news about dates and exhibition rooms:

27 / 08 the 02 / 09 – São Paulo – 18:40 and 21:2 – XNUMXnd week
27 / 08 the 02 / 09 – Salvador/BA – 19:30 p.m.
29/30 and 08/XNUMX – Rio de Janeiro – 13 pm – 5th week! In response to requests, the film returns to town!
29/30 and 08/XNUMX – Campinas/SP – 16:15 – 2nd week!
29/30 and 08/XNUMX – São José dos Campos/SP – 13:10 pm – 2nd week!
05/06 and 09/XNUMX – Juiz de Fora/MG – Time to be defined
05/06 and 09/XNUMX – Florianópolis/SC – Time to be defined

• Interview conducted by Angelica Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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