The media is the prostitute at the end of her career

Beloved, it has already been said here in texts written previously that who commands and controls the entire world population is the Dark Cabal, also called the Matrix.

Headed by a restricted group of people, the main objective has always been to keep the Earth as a territory under the yoke of the Archons, Spirits that adopted our Planet millions of years ago, including the Draconians and the Reptilians.

Although the Archons are also Spirits originating from the same source, at a given time, they decided to rebel against the Divine Hierarchies and decided to take for themselves some Orbs within our Galaxy, the Milky Way. Earth is just one of these captured Orbs.

Over time, the interbreeding between incarnate archon spirits and other races formed a Third Race: "The Hybrids".

Thus, it became easier to extend the dominion over the Earth, as the hybrids carry part of their DNA. They began to think in a way similar to theirs, submitting more easily to the mental suggestions of this evil class of Spirits.

The media is the prostitute at the end of her career

A favorable condition was then created for the foul play of evil. For eons, through successive reincarnations, human consciousness has been changing and moving away from the source. Humanity forgot its divine origin, beliefs were changing, the veil was being formed, duality was installed and the power game began to prevail between human beings.

When the Archons felt that they already had complete dominion over humans, they created a "grid" around the Earth to prevent the Forces of Light could get here and set us free.

With the isolation of the Planet made, these beings of Darkness were able to do what pleased them most: The dirty game of the slavery of consciences.

The media is the prostitute at the end of her career

And for that, the so-called Dark Cabal was created, because it is necessary that there are incarnate Spirits to exercise power over others. Although the greatest command has always been in the hands of the Spirits of the Lower Astral world, these incarnates who hold all the command of humanity, during sleep, their spirit detaches from the body (like anyone else) and goes directly into the depths of the infernal abysses, where there is Dark Science. There, they are subjected to real mental β€œchipping”. When they wake up in the morning, they are full of β€œbad” ideas that they soon try to put into practice.

As they are evil spirits, they are also possessed of all unethical and immoral characteristics. Extremely ambitious, with an ego bigger than the body, they soon launch themselves in search of power. They are only interested in higher positions. They don't have the slightest desire and disposition for less important services, because they don't give themselves to any work that dignifies, if they don't put them on the highest pedestals. There is a common factor in all of them: the burning desire for power.

And so it became super easy for the Archons to do with humanity what suits them best.

The media is the prostitute at the end of her career

In all sectors where there is power of decision and command, they are installed. They took care of Science, religions, the education system, financial institutions, Justice, the pharmaceutical industries, medical and health entities, the main NGOs, the arms industry and, mainly, the Media.

The Media is the right arm of the Dark Cabal. It's her Jewish arm. As we know, they are a group of families (14) that are subdivided and form an approximate number of 12-13 thousand people worldwide.

The Jews were in charge of the media, because from the earliest times, this human race had the best orators (like the Rabbis of the Synagogues, for example) and they were endowed with powers of persuasion greater than other races. In this way, as Christ Jesus was incarnated rightly among the Jews, their high priests and the rabbis of the Synagogues did not have much difficulty in putting the population against the Great Teacher. So much so that they convinced the people to cry out for the release of the bandit Barabbas in exchange for his imprisonment and condemnation to the Cross of the Nazarene, who was a divine being, full of Light. (Do you see any resemblance to today's reality?).

The media is the prostitute at the end of her career
luis gomes/Pexels

Since that time, we can see how the deceptive power of the Media works. If you have any doubts, try to find out who the owners are and what their origin as a race is. They are invariably Jews. Some may have sold their companies, but they are certainly on other even more powerful fronts, as is the case of RBS de SC, which was recently sold, but still continue with RBS RS and now, more than ever, they are in league with Rede Globo, which is the mother of the entire Organization.

All the World Media is in the hands of the Jews. It lends itself to the service of disclosing or withholding all the information the Cabal wants. As its directors are Spirits of the high Archon hierarchy, they are permanently influenced. They can make instant, joint decisions without even communicating verbally or otherwise as most do. They are always being suggested by the forces of Darkness. Pay attention and see with your own eyes.

The media is the prostitute at the end of her career

Can anyone tell me a media channel that lends itself to better information? Every day it gets easier to observe, because Kabbalah is acephalous. As the Archons were imprisoned in these last years by the Forces of Light, their incarnate members are left without support. They are like dizzy flies, or like bees without a queen. Soon, this entire empire will crumble like a sandcastle. But it's still breathing. Although it is already bordering on ridiculous, they insist on wanting to pass on disinformation or lies, just as they have always done.

With the mass awakening of the new consciousness, every day more and more people start to shrug their shoulders at the big media. She has nowhere else to go. She is trapped in the very web she has become entangled in. Soon, some segments of the media will change sides and support themselves, because their role, as long as it is aimed at the good, will still be very useful for earthly society.

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So, my beloved ones, we have all always been deceived by the Media! In order to delay the Great Event, she is desperately trying to delay the mass awakening. See what she defends and what she attacks. It was clear?

Get out of her addiction! When we leave the Media, information begins to come directly to each of us through the Angelic Helpers, who are now in permanent contact with all those who awaken and learn to listen to them. And this information is accurate, both the information of the present, as of the past and also of the future, something that the Media never knew how to do.

As the title of today's text says:

The media is the prostitute at the end of her career! It is difficult to support itself, so it sells itself for any crumb. The glorious times are gone and will not return. The end of the line is in the eye's sights.

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment.

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