To forgive. Forgetting is more difficult.

There is a big difference between forgiving and forgetting. We believe that it is less difficult to forgive than to forget, as it is common to say “whoever gets slapped never forgets”. It is indeed a complicated task.

I have a relative who I think highly of and who always says “I never make the first offense”. This is very important, because I can see that this person has already reached a degree of evolution, but how will he behave after being offended?

We know that there are people who don't care about moral evolution or correct conduct. What they really want is to offend, to go over others without the slightest consideration. We must take care of these people, because as they are used to being surrounded by bad energies, they do not care about the language or evil attitudes.

However, when we are offended, the tendency is to retaliate, as it is a matter of self-defense that has accompanied us since the time when we only had instinct, although after some time we realize that that terrible energy that enveloped us should not continue with us, which is why we must then think about forgiveness, since the offense did not come from us.

To forgive. Forgetting is more difficult.
Alan Portraits/Pexels

Then comes the time to work on forgiveness, which is not easy, but with dedication and a lot of meditation, we will succeed. But I repeat: it is not easy! It can take days, months, years or even not happen in this life, but if we can forgive what was done to us, then we have to try to forget what happened.

This is more difficult, because although we have the ability to minimize the memory of the offense, the slander, or whatever, there is always a residue in our mind of the fact, and now and then we talk to someone or even find ourselves thinking, and this brings us to a moment of energy that is very harmful to the organism.

Jesus, knowing the difficult task of forgiving, replied saying that we should practice it seventy times seven, that is, indefinitely.

But let's not worry about how many times we will remember what happened, the important thing is that every moment that bad energy comes to mind, we remember the Master, and forgive again. This is an exercise that goes against what He said. Acting like this, what they did to us is getting further and further away, and certainly over time we will hardly even remember it anymore.

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We cannot leave this life taking with us a grudge from a person who often doesn't even remember the harm he has caused, and who will certainly have to give an account to the Creator in the near future or even in this existence, but we, not carrying the grudge, will be free from contact with the offender in another life, as we free him from rescuing something with us.

Let us exercise forgiveness seventy times seven, and try to forget, and we will surely be free. Energy to everyone.

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