The man ahead of time

    Like Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great was a man ahead of his time. Born in 356 BC, son of Philip II and Olympias, since he was little, he had not dreamed of reaching the ends of the Earth as something concrete, wanting to overcome Achilles and other gods; and he surpassed them, because he was not just a legend: he actually existed and influenced countless civilizations. With steely determination and military genius, in 15 years he conquered the world.

    Before becoming king of Macedonia, Philip, his father, decided to improve the teaching of his people and brought some Greek philosophers who would pass their teachings on to the Macedonians, and one of them was Aristotle. Alexander added to his natural impetuosity the wisdom of the greatest philosopher of all time, as if there was a fusion of Alexander and Aristotle, so that they would ride together and expand in the best way the invasion of the age of Ares. However, with respect, he learned from his tutor medicine, morals, logic, history, philosophy, art, religion, physics. All this content was transmitted to the peoples now dominated. He was different from other conquerors and covered more than 16 thousand km, a place where no one from the west had ever reached.

    Alexander's dream of consumption was Persia, which at the time was the largest Land Empire; the Greeks were bought by the riches of Babylon. It was a confrontation between the King of Macedon and Darius III, King of Persia. After a few years of fighting and with far fewer men (they say there were 50 Macedonians against more than 200 Persians), Alexander wins the war and is finally King of Persia. Upon entering Babylon, he asks for respect for the local civilization – slaves only for war –, decrees the miscegenation of peoples and the pedagogy of the two languages ​​(Greek and Persian) and is enchanted by a magnificent place. The royal family of Darius, even with the domain, remained the same treatment as before.

    This policy of accepting the dominated peoples caused discomfort in their Macedonian generals, since they had the understanding of imposing and not mixing, and this policy was later cruelly practiced by the Romans. Respect is not imposed, it is earned, and this Alexander taught everyone, and the Romans and their countrymen have not learned their lesson, in fact, until today. For him there were no borders, although he put his name – yes, the ego was present, but there was something much bigger behind it.

    It is important to remember how he tamed his horse, Bucephalus, and no one else could. Alexander realized that he was afraid of his own shadow, so he covered it with a visor. He was a great companion and friend, accompanied him as far as half of India, where he died; he even has a city named after him in Pakistan, Bucéfala. After this loss and with the army tired, he returned to Babylon. In 323 BC, before his 33rd birthday, he died, possibly poisoned. However, his name was already in history.

    The man ahead of time
    Jean-Pol GRANDMONT / Wikimedia Commons

    Alexandria, as well as other cities, was named after him (there were 70). This city, which is still in Egypt today, was a strategic point on the Mediterranean Sea, connecting Europe and the Middle East. Alexander passed the domain of that city to one of his best friends, Ptolemy Soter. The Ptolemy dynasty lasted for thirteen generations, with Ptolemy XIII and Cleopatra being the last of that line to rule. After them, the Romans took Egypt for themselves. In this fact is the “staff” from Alexander to Julius Caesar.

    One of Alexander's greatest legacies was the library of Alexandria, which at first caught fire in the civil war between Caesar and Pompey, and was later completely destroyed by Emperor Theodosius I in 342 AD Probably this fact is one of the worst events for humanity, for the fact that this destruction removed many truths from the eyes of our civilization, many historical facts; perhaps the origin, tree of life, the beginning of everything was in Alexandria.

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    He and others "out of time" appeared and will appear on Earth - this is inevitable. What must be exchanged is its acceptance. In the case of “his” Library and “Aristotle”, the suppression of physical knowledge has already taken place, there is nothing more to regret. However abstract knowledge, this is impossible to destroy, soon everyone will know the realities that tried to hide us, so their legacy will never be erased.

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