The Law of Attraction – Understand without magic formulas, illusions or mysticism

The Law of Attraction – Understand without magic formulas, illusions or mysticism

I always hear people tell me that this Law of Attraction thing doesn't exist or that the Law of Attraction isn't working for them. Well, perhaps there is a very important point to make here: the Law of Attraction is not a choice or an opinion. Whether you believe in this law or not is irrelevant, as it is a universal law. So it works for everyone. But one thing that's nice to understand is that when we believe, we have a much better chance of creating life according to our desires. Of course, if we don't believe, we won't actually see the blessings come into our lives, because when we don't believe, we don't put energy into their realization. Believing is the fuel that will guide you to manifestation.

When, for example, you do not believe in the possibilities of changing an unpleasant situation, in any area of ​​your life, you will remain inert, and what is worse: you will put your energy and focus on negativity; the tendency is to really reinforce what you believe. That's your brain's job. It is he who will keep you inert or propel you into action.

What happens is that people don't realize that they are creating their reality in every moment of their lives. From what they're going to eat for lunch to that great blessing or challenge that "arrives" in their lives. And before you raise your hand to hit me, let me explain: the Law of Attraction is a law that is part of our life 24 hours a day, since we realize our existence. It is something simple: it is there now with you, it is here now with me. Both of us, dear reader, are, at this very moment, creating our reality. Do you know why? Because before any situation occurred to us, there was a thought, there was a desire that generated a feeling or an emotion that guided us to have an attitude. And maybe you say to me, “Oh, but if so, why am I not rich or why am I not in a relationship that I would like?” or anything like that. And I ask you: do you really believe that you are worthy of wealth? Do you really believe that you are capable of acquiring all the skills of rich people? Do you really have such a good self-esteem that you don't worry or doubt that you have the ability and worthiness to attract the partner you want? Anyway… answer honestly to yourself! Know that desire is not the only factor in making the Law of Attraction work. All human beings want the best for themselves. It's not just imagining either. Imagination without action is illusion. It is necessary to feel! The feeling is the key, because it will guide you to the attitude.

Even if something happens that is out of our control, like something in nature, our reaction to the event will create our destiny. In this regard, the Law of Attraction continues to work, as our reaction will lead us to one path or the other.

The Law of Attraction is something simple and easy. And we create from the simplest to the most complex events of our lives. She is like the dawn and dusk every day, she is part of the Universe. It is a universal law. So it makes no difference whether you believe it or not. You are all the time manifesting.

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Look at your life now and see if you're satisfied! If not, find out what in yourself, in your thoughts, in your attitudes, in your behavior or in your feelings, is keeping you in this position! Then look for alternatives to transform them. Try to learn more about the law of attraction!

Want to learn more about the Law of Attraction, check out the audiobook “The Law of Attraction in 4 Steps”:

This audiobook contains in a simple way the teachings about the Law of Attraction. Everything you need to know about this law is contained here. The Law of Attraction process has no mysteries or mysticism; yet most people still get it wrong when trying to use this law. That's why they get frustrated and stop believing. And what's worse about it all, is that even if they don't know this law, or they still disbelieve it, they keep attracting to their lives, a sad and unsatisfactory fate. You can listen whenever and wherever you want.

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