The Law of Attraction and Prosperity

This year 2020 the world faced a new challenge, to maintain the physical and financial health of the entire globe. With the challenges that Covid-19 has brought to humanity, many have asked themselves “what now?”.

For scholars of the law of attraction, the subconscious, external events are created from our limiting beliefs. The questions that always come up are, for example: “So, did I co-create my illness?”, or “Did I co-create my bankruptcy?”, or even “Did I co-create the violence I suffered?”.

The Law of Attraction and Prosperity
Chinmay Singh / Pexels

The law of attraction has been studied since antiquity. Hermes Trismegistus in the Kybalion already brought this awareness to humanity. When Hermes speaks in his First Principle, the Principle of Mentalism “The Whole is mind. The Universe is mental” is stating that the Universe is a mental creation of the Whole.

Over the centuries, this knowledge was forgotten, returning in the XNUMXth century in works by authors such as Napoleon Hill, Catherine Ponder and Joseph Murphy, who emphasize the power of the subconscious in command of our lives. Authors from the beginning of the XNUMXst century follow the same line of thought, such as T. Harv Eker.

But the question is: How can I use this knowledge to change my life and have the long-awaited prosperity? Let's go to the simple and effective method for you to become a prosperous person!

First step is to become aware of what prosperity is for you. Maybe it's having a big house. For others, prosperity can be having a dream job, or being healthy, traveling. Finally, define what prosperity is for you. Define what is best for your life, what makes your heart sing, without judgment, fear or shame. Define your dream!

The second step is to identify what is not in accordance with your desire, your dream, because we can only change a situation if we are fully aware that it exists.

The third step is to understand the origin of this problem, this situation. It's discovering the limiting beliefs you have that still leave you in this place in your life. These beliefs may have primary origins (when you were a child, did you hear your parents say that money doesn't grow on trees? That money doesn't fall from the sky? That all rich people are bad people? There may be the origin of some of your limiting beliefs). Such beliefs can be at a genetic level (if you come from families whose ancestors have been deprived), or even at a historical level (that is, information that we consume on a daily basis).

The Law of Attraction and Prosperity / Pexels

The fourth step is the decision to change. You can detach, let go of those thought patterns that have brought you into your current life. Many holistic techniques work to break these limiting patterns and beliefs. Many self-help books help you in this process. We are talking about changes that can be promoted on the physical, energetic, mental and spiritual levels.

Nothing forces us to have a life where we don't feel good, loved or prosperous, with illness and unhappiness. If this is still happening in the world and with each individual, the time has come to change our thought patterns from scarcity to abundance, from competitiveness to a collaborative society in its social and economic relationships.

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If you identified with this scarcity but want to change it, I invite you to learn more about my work as a relationship, self-esteem and self-love coach. I invite you to visit my Youtube channel called Ser Plenitude, where there are free meditations for self-love and soul mate. Also check out my Instagram @ser_plenitude_therapias where there is a lot of content aimed at breaking these limiting beliefs.

Beijos de luz, Magda G Silva, historian, tarologist and holistic therapist.

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