the kind of happiness

Happiness is a feeling of satisfaction, well-being and fulfillment. It is what helps us to look at life with more optimism and tranquility, without giving in to the challenges it presents us with.

In addition, with happiness we are able to define our plans and find what brings us more completeness. Through it, we express who we are, what we seek and what our tastes are, being a fundamental feeling for self-knowledge.

Although it is impossible to feel happy every day, happiness can be a permanent state if we know how to balance the good times and the bad times. In this way, we become more pleasant companions, who can amuse others, who see the bright side of life and who take full advantage of each situation.

the kind of happiness
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

With the content we have prepared, you will have the opportunity to learn more about how happiness is present in a person's life and how it can be interpreted in different ways. Do this very important exercise to understand your interiority and what helps you live better!

What is happiness to you?

Maybe you've never had to come up with a definition of happiness. Or, when you had to do that, you simply said that happiness is not defined. But what if you tried to analyze that feeling from what it provokes in you?

A person who feels happiness shows some signs that this feeling is manifesting. First of all, she is likely to feel an uncontrollable urge to smile, or even to laugh, because she needs to demonstrate the ecstasy that is living inside her.

Another sign of happiness is the feeling of peace. Someone who is happy feels that nothing can go wrong or that everything can be turned around if it does. It's as if nothing can stop this state of euphoria and fulfillment, which turns into lasting well-being.

the kind of happiness
Sebastian Voortman / Pexels

A slightly less common sign of happiness is crying. There are those who can only show how good they are feeling with many tears. At this point, happiness becomes so great that it is even difficult to contain it.

The symptoms of happiness can manifest in the most varied situations, from small events to grandiose events. We realize that this feeling is really present in our lives when we can rejoice in what seems insignificant to other people. Have you noticed?

So a tight hug, delicious food, a passionate perfume, a funny joke, a silly video or a prank by a pet are simple situations that can awaken a pure feeling of happiness.

But there are also great events that can bring intense and lasting happiness, such as entering your dream job, taking a life-changing journey, having children, moving house, having a healthy relationship, or building true friendships.

After you've learned a little more about the signs of happiness and what can trigger it, think about your life. What is happiness to you? When do you feel happy? How do you demonstrate this powerful feeling? Open your heart! To get inspired and enchanted with more interpretations of happiness, below.

What is happiness, according to the Bible?

According to the Bible, happiness lies in a person's connection with the Creator. So an individual is happy when he follows God's teachings, when he acts wisely, when he obeys the rules, when he trusts in the Lord, when he observes situations carefully, and when he admires the work of God.

the kind of happiness
Luis Quintero / Pexels

From this definition, we observe that true happiness, according to the Bible, is inseparable from belief in God. However, this is not the only way to analyze this concept. Next, broaden your horizons on this subject!

What, after all, is happiness?

It is possible to define happiness from numerous perspectives of life. Each person has their own conception of what it means to be happy, of what makes them feel full, confident and motivated to live each day.

So we shouldn't talk as if happiness were one thing. In fact, what exists is โ€œhappinessโ€. There is the happiness of those who got the job they wanted, those who found love forever, those who feel good about themselves, those who decided to live without rules, those who achieved what they always wanted and many others.

In fact, there is not just one way to experience each of these bliss. There are those who live this feeling in a euphoric, intense and electrifying way. And there are those who feel happiness as a peace of mind, as a feeling of accomplishment. There is no standard when we talk about feeling. Even the durability of happiness can change from one person to another.

the kind of happiness
vrabelpeter / 123RF

Does happiness have an expiration date? Is she momentary?

Some people make the distinction between joy and happiness, saying that joy is momentary, while happiness is lasting. But, is this true? Can a person be happy forever or will that feeling wear off at some point?

To think about this question, we must understand that life is built daily. There is no roadmap for what we will face each day, and we are also unable to prepare for every situation that may affect us. As a consequence of this, our feelings can be confused from certain experiences.

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Therefore, it is impossible to accurately predict what will happen tomorrow or how we will feel at the end of the day. Because of this, happiness can last for days, months, or years. As we are talking about a feeling, which is so particular to each individual, we cannot affirm this or that as absolute truth.

Thus, for some people, happiness will be a feeling that existed at a specific time in their lives, but that cannot be taken back. For others, happiness will always be tomorrow, when they will be closer to accomplishing what they want. And there are those who will find it very difficult to experience this feeling throughout their lives. So we can only ask: is your happiness momentary?

After reading all the content we prepared about happiness, you already know how to identify this feeling in your life. In addition, you have the necessary stimulus to be happy, knowing that this transformation will help you to relate better with others and with yourself. Find happiness in yourself!

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