the inner light

Currently, under the heading of modernism, we dedicate ourselves to the external, to fads, to inaccuracies, trumpeted on all sides, as being natural. We are induced into an inner imbalance that leads to illness in the body and makes us feel unhappy.

We are all capable of accomplishing a lot in the sphere of work in which we find ourselves, but we miss the opportunity to be better. Immediacy, hopelessness, the struggle of everyday life hinder our vision of ourselves, preventing us from turning on our light and expelling the shadow of imbalance.

If we make our inner light shine, everything around us will light up: joy will shine, the lamp of hope will light, and the torch of success will show better paths.

the inner light
Gabriela Cheloni/123RF

It is not necessary to be rich to be a giver, nor to be poor to be a beggar. There is no need to stand in prayers, nor become subservient, either to people or to religious stereotypes. For the interior light to light up in us, it is enough to spontaneously manifest our natural gifts, being ourselves; be you, just you, nothing else.

Manage your gifts and become magnanimous, learning from those who know and teaching those who want to learn, in such a way that this act is a natural task of each hour, thus increasing the common stock of wisdom and love.

The materially rich can create productive means that generate employment so that, with work, they allow the dignity of life to hundreds of people; the poor, in turn, through the blessing of work, will climb material steps, making it possible to supply themselves and theirs.

In this way, rich and poor will grow through the inner radiance.

The strong, whether in the physical or in the knowledge, can more easily be generous with the weak at all times, while the weak have the opportunity to be humble, making themselves an apprentice. Thus, strong and weak are illuminated by the wealth of good will. Sadio can extend himself for charity in all directions, at any moment. The sick have the opportunity of the lessons of tolerance and patience. In both, the inner light will flicker.

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The docile, through the practice of indulgence, will lead back the rebel; the rebel will be tamed by the affection of the docile, and both will glow.

The gifts are different in each one of us, the intellect is nuanced in many levels, the merit shows itself in different values. The gifts come from our individual divine spirit, that self that we hold dear. It is from him that the light comes that clarifies everything, glorifies us, and it is we who decide whether we will enlighten or if we will be enlightened.

Is that you? What do you decide to be?

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