Never end the spirit

What are we making of our experience here on Earth? How do we face what we live? What importance do we give to the spirit? What is the biggest and irrefutable reason we exist? Our spirits, our evolution. This is the essence of our living!

Do we give the necessary and just importance to the things of the spirit? Do we understand our entire trajectory in eternity? Do we understand that this trajectory is part of the Creator's plans for us? Ever wondered how you got here?

If we look at the path we took to get here, was it small? How many incarnations have we lived to reach this level of knowledge that we have today?

Ufa! Enough questions, I'm tired!!!

So, let's reflect a little. The basis for this reflection is a content of the book “Palavras de Vida Eterna”, by Emmanuel, psychographed by Chico Xavier. Emmanuel says: “observe the noble road that offers you a safe passage and remember that just yesterday IT WAS A TREAT OF UNCULTA LAND”.

We are moving to a planet of regeneration, we are ending the time when Earth was just a planet of atonement and trials. We are on the path of evolution!

In the beginning we were brute and ignorant spirits. We need to be born and reincarnated several times until we get to today. It is not important for us to know exactly how many incarnations we have had, but the lessons we need, learn and what we are applying from the knowledge we have acquired so far.

Several spirits lived and created conditions for us to get here. Ignorant that we were like primary spirits, what moved us was the instinct to fight and survive. Our brains were small, underdeveloped, with few neural connections and still incapable of processing nobler emotions and feelings. In fact, there is a documentary called “HOW THE BRAIN CREATES”, which is not religious and talks about creativity, but it is very interesting to understand about the evolution of our brain.

Never end the spirit

We were developing ourselves and tracing our path to evolution, developing different aptitudes.

However, none of this happened without the help of spiritual friends, ascended beings who care and have always cared for our planet and all of us.

How many selfless, wiser and more evolved spirits have accepted to come to Earth and bring us knowledge? They needed to lower their frequencies to incarnate in matter and still help us to pave the way for the moment we live in today. Just to name a few examples of these spirits that have been accompanying us in our evolution. Beings like: Zoroaster in Iran, Mayan peoples, Incas, Aztecs, Sumerians; Abraham, Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist, Buddha, Pharaohs in EGYPT and of course Jesus our planetary master. In Greece Hermes Trismegistus, Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates are studied until today and remembered for the great legacy they left to humanity. And, even more recently, we have: Gandhi, Helena Blavatsky, Goethe and so many other names that we could mention.

How much knowledge have we already accumulated in this lifetime, how much information that we didn't have about philosophy, science, medicine, spirituality, life outside the planet have we been accumulating for centuries?

How many died for human ideals, for a more dignified life, for bringing us facts that we now recognize as truths?

Today we know that the earth is round, but in the past this was heresy. How many have not been mistreated, stoned, killed for bringing something that was different from the truth hitherto known?

We may not have the exact idea of ​​all the suffering these spirits went through, but we can recognize and be grateful for the spiritual strength, energy and will to win that they left us.

When we recognize this cosmic organization, we understand that what will remain is our soul, because it is immortal and eternal, and it is in this that we need to invest our efforts.

Everything and everyone is a field of learning, and life is there to present us with a diversity of opportunities to put good into action.

Passing on knowledge, helping others, even with the little we know is a lot for some. Others who know a lot teach us. If each one of us proposes to use the knowledge, keeping the flame that we carry like divine sparks, we will already be in action.

Christ was our heavenly engineer and his teachings should guide us. Everything we do based on his lessons can only reflect light and love. Each of us is responsible for the evolution of all.

We are not separate, we and everything around us are made of cells whose elements are the same, combined in different ways and this is becoming increasingly clear to humanity. So where are we apart?

Each of us brings the divine flame and just because of that we are able to spread something good, educate, teach, at whatever level. No matter how small the light that guides us, the divine light will envelop us in such a way that we will become true lighthouses. It is up to us to sow seeds of fraternity. And each seed we sow in the soil of life will bring us more blessings and fruit.

We cannot let our vital energy be extinguished. What drives our soul to evolution. Don't lose joy and spirit. When we close ourselves in doubt, in fear, and let these be our feelings, nothing good comes to us. Keep the faith that there is something more sublime than earthly life, than material issues, without losing the desire to be present in our actions with love.

Our religion, our work, our family, our relationships need to be lived with joy, with a sparkle in our eyes, with love, with enthusiasm. Whatever we do, let it be with love and gratitude. When we put ourselves with an open heart, with joy in the tasks, whatever they may be, everything becomes lighter and we will have the help of our spiritual brothers.

Not extinguishing the spirit is not doing things mechanically, thoughtlessly. The day to day consumes and tires us. We are offended by few things, we are lazy. But to miss the opportunity to serve is to erase the spirit. It is service that Christ asks of us. This is what makes us grow morally and spiritually.

Donate, smile, share joys, hugs. This is no small thing.

Never end the spirit

Everything in life is easier with a good cheer. Don't settle. Let's not let discouragement and procrastination make us think we're here for a ride. Focus on the action always!

Living in a linear, inert way can be the purgatory that Catholics talk about, or the threshold for spiritualists. And that's where the zombies live, without effective will and strength for action.

Action must be our mantra so we don't let our spirit go out.

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