The importance of the tripod: faith, practice and study

Obuda Nichiren Daishonin clarified the importance of the tripod faith, practice and study in the thirteenth century, stating that these factors are important to live in an unshakable way, enjoying the benefits through the practice of Buddhism.


Daishonin on the matter of faith: β€œThe most important thing is to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo in such a way that you can attain Buddhahood. It all depends on the strength of your faith. Buddhism takes faith as the fundamental source of enlightenment Knowledge without faith is a description of those who are learned but do not believe in the doctrine. Such people will never attain Buddhahood [absolute bliss]. Those who have faith without knowledge may be deprived of knowledge about the doctrine, but once they believe in it, they can attain Buddhahood.”

Faith is nothing more than vehemently believing in something or someone. "Faith moves mountains". Nichiren Daishonin makes it clear that it is extremely important to believe in what you practice, otherwise it will be a dissolving and powerless faith.


The importance of the tripod: faith, practice and study

For a sportsman, it is important to practice his exercises and strengthen himself daily, so that he can compete in championships and contests. The same goes for musicians, artists, writers and other professionals. In the spiritual world, it is no different. In order to believe and strengthen faith through your religion, it is necessary to practice it.

Individual practice refers to practicing one's religion individually, usually in one's home. And altruistic practice is about participating in religious meetings and activities with other people, and, in addition, propagating your teachings to friends and family.


The study consists of learning the philosophical concepts of the religion which is practiced. It's understanding her own theory, its principles and terms.

Philosopher and pacifist Dr. Daisaku Ikeda summarizes the purposes of studying Buddhism in the following items:

(1) Religion is studied to acquire a correct vision of life, society and goals.
(2) Religion is studied to nurture the practice of faith and commitment to activities.
(3) Religion is studied to advance and grow day by day.
(4) Religion is studied in order to cultivate the capacity for guidance and to provide encouragement to all companions.

This tripod is the foundation that sustains the lives of people who practice some religion assiduously. To strengthen faith, it is necessary to study the writings, learn, debate with others about dreams and goals in the religion that is practiced. Thus, strengthening faith and practice, prayers are intensified, opening the mind and life itself, to always seek to understand more and more, that is, to study. Just like a tripod, if one of the bases is missing, life will not sustain itself.

Faith, practice and study is the ideal way to practice a religion.

Text written by Bruno da Silva Melo from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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