We emit frequency and vibrations

    Learning to be open, channel and receive positive vibes. They are frequencies. As receivers and transmitters, we emit frequencies.

    The energy generated is both positive and negative.

    And by filtering these energies, we build our reality.

    Both in the current dimensional and in the multidimensional plane, it's where we decide how it's going to be.

    Synchronously, we can perceive and feel what we visualize.

    Each BEING that allows itself to experience the energy of its essence, can apply and experience it in any system, all belief systems or not.

    We all have light, but not everyone activates their own light. 

    We emit frequency and vibrations

    We are like a crystal that radiates light in all ways, we can stop doing so if we don't clean the frequencies.

    A clean crystal is unlocked.

    In addition to cleaning our energetic bodies, clearing the mind and spirit is also necessary.

    It is important to have balance in yourself, as this neutralizes negative forces and energies.

    Every visualization created and co-creation of each feeling is born of decisions and choices.

    The blessing of feeling happiness, of having gratitude, compassion, forgiveness and love in our lives always helps in the process of learning and evolution of each one.

    And with each learning, we go deeper and deeper into our higher SELF.

    We have the opportunity to not accept the reality imposed on us.

    Only we ourselves can, if we want to, generate a change in consciousness. 

    How wonderful and beautiful it is to be able to allow yourself to transform!

    We emit frequency and vibrations

    Our existence in the universe, and in this life, has a different meaning and meaning.

    And the greatest power there is is love, and let's love each BEING in its frequency and vibration.

    Understanding Unconditional Love. 

    Manifest Unconditional Love. 

    Practice Unconditional Love. 

    Acting and turning thoughts into reality before they happen, so that everything materializes.

    This is a certainty that has no room for doubt.

    Believing, thinking, acting, feeling, and living is what you need to experience what you want.

    Gratitude! I love Amituofo! Namaste!

    You may also like another article by this author. Access: Think about it: Making dreams come true!

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