The importance of the Physical Educator

    Who hasn't had an unforgettable Physical Education teacher at school, at the gym or in life?

    Unfortunately, we know that this profession is not as valued as it should be, due to the great importance it has in our lives.

    The name itself says it all: to educate. The art of Physical Education, which is such an important tool for our cognitive and motor development, provides extreme gains throughout life. This very important profession forms better humans without an exclusive age group, as we have significant gains in all stages of our lives.

    The importance of the Physical Educator

    In childhood, we develop the body and mind, becoming people with greater body awareness and also more educated citizens, who will learn to win and lose, knowing how to respect others.

    In adulthood, this great profession brings us significant benefits in the gain and preservation of health, cognitive evolution and a good quality of life in the elderly.

    Anyway, congratulations to all Physical Educators and thank all professionals for bringing so many benefits for life.

    Maurice Miguel Zanetti (CREF 059765-G/SP) and Naomi Munis dos Reis Zanetti (CREF 065050-G/SP)

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