The hidden face of devaluation.

Talking about feelings and emotions is not always easy; expressing what we feel about other people or about different situations and environments is in many cases a challenge, because it puts us in touch with vulnerability. If this is difficult for us, it is much more difficult to talk about how we feel about who we are, the figure of the woman.

All of us, without exception, have negative feelings, but when we talk about woman, in an individual and collective context, a negative feeling predominates that we keep in the shadows, so hidden that we don't even realize that he lives with us. we are talking about devaluation. This is one of a woman's oldest and deepest emotional wounds, which is why it is so difficult to identify.

Do you see yourself reflected in it? A very high percentage of women do not see themselves.

So what is devaluation and why is it so hard to see?

The hidden face of devaluation.

Culturally it is understood that it is the loss of value. The point here is that we all believe that we value ourselves, that we know that we are important and that we highlight our qualities, but the reality is very different from what we think. We value ourselves at a social, work, family level, in our performance and ability to be there for others, to take care of them… Reflect: where are you here in the midst of this situation?

Valuing yourself is not just highlighting the qualities and aptitudes in relation to the other or the routine skills and strategies you have created to make the gear work. Valuing yourself is learning to take care of yourself and understanding that you are fundamental in your life.; It's understanding that you deserve time, rest, respect, attention, but not expecting others to provide it for you, otherwise you are responsible for this situation.

Valuing yourself goes even deeper, so why don't we put it into practice?

The hidden face of devaluation.

We are born with the wound of devaluation; we inherited it from our mother and from the line of women who preceded us in time. With this wound, we develop in the womb and also with the frequency of thought and emotional and genetic information of devaluation. In other words, from a set of feelings that lead us to anchor ourselves in this wound; this set of feelings includes lack of ability, inferiority, lack of self-esteem, lack of love… This root becomes so deep that we don't realize that we were educated to continue living in the expectation that others will highlight the value for our performance, so we spend the years believing that this is “normal” and that others give us the value we need to feel good and fulfilled.

Without realizing it, we become submissive to circumstances, to an emotional wound and its consequences.

But what is its consequence?

The hidden face of devaluation.

We create a way of being, being, feeling and acting based on devaluation and the expectation that someone will tell us: “You are valuable”, “you are very important to me”. An expectation that does not come true and that is not enough when we are told. Because?

Because that feeling of dissatisfaction doesn't just disappear because we don't believe in it, we don't feel it that way, because this emotional wound does not allow us to see beyond and love each other unconditionally.

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This makes us try harder and harder to be the best, perfect in the eyes of those we ask for love. Instead, we've lived like this for so long that we don't remember that we're not asking for this love from others, but from ourselves. Because no one more than you, that I or she can give themselves the value, importance and care that we deserve, because your biggest responsibility in life is you. If you don't feel good and don't take care of yourself, no one else can do it for you.

Not valuing ourselves, forgetting that being and feeling good is our responsibility has a physical impact.

What and where is this impact?

The hidden face of devaluation.

In an organ that is much more than a simple organ and that marks part of our identity as a woman: the uterus.

Yes, the uterus is part of our feminine identity, this identity that is formed not only with its presence, physical and physiological qualities, but also with each woman's individual emotional and energetic identity. Why our uterus has emotional identity, energy and sensitivity. He physiologically feels everything that we silently feel emotionally.

How does all this devaluation information affect in the womb?

The hidden face of devaluation.

It alters its identity, energy and damages the organ, creating fibroids that are simply the result of a great wound of devaluation, which allowed us to be submissive in a state of emotional wintering in relation to ourselves.

It's time to wake up, to understand that you are much more than what you can see and that you need to reconnect with your body, your instincts, your qualities and start recognizing the woman you are.

Yolanda Castillo

Co-director of the Comprehensive School for Human Development.

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