Are there other worlds?

    Are there other worlds?

    How to understand the words of Christ?

    Why does he use parables?

    In the study of the Gospel we find the words of Christ in the form of parables, so that they could be deciphered as man evolved.

    It would not be possible to directly transmit all his knowledge at the time of his earthly journey, where still very primitive men needed time to reach an understanding of his teachings. It would be like teaching algebra to 5-year-olds.

    In this particular item, Jesus referred to the Universe as being the Father's house and the different worlds in their most varied evolutionary stages.

    • primitive world: where the first incarnations of the human soul take place.
    • World of Atonement and Trials: where evil prevails.
    • Regeneration world: where the souls that still have something to atone for, acquire new strength, resting from the fatigues of the struggle.
    • happy worlds: where good prevails over evil.
    • Divine or celestial worlds: where purified spirits live and good reigns fully.

    The earth is situated in the range of the worlds of atonement and proof. The predominance of evil still exists, but we are already in the transition phase to the worlds of regeneration. The Missionary Spirits who reincarnate here help us to achieve moral progress through their teachings so that we can reach our goal.

    The apostles of Christ when incarnated in mission on earth often felt out of place in this world so dense for their high spirits, in consolation Christ said to them:

    Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in me”, adding immediately afterwards: β€œThere are many mansions in my Father's house, if it were not so I would have told you” (John 14:1-2)

    This teaching was not just for the apostles, but for all human creatures. We are all brothers on the journey, we must remember that, respecting each one's limits and reaching out to those in need.

    When contemplating the magnitude of the sky in all its beauty, we can enjoy the certainty of being immortal beings, loved by the Father to inhabit this Universe, as the Spiritist Doctrine teaches.

    Light and peace!

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