The healing power of prayer is affirmed by science

    Faith has always had the ability to make goals more palpable, dreams more possible and difficulties less dense. It is also noted that people who cling to some belief, religion or any form of spirituality tend to be calmer, more confident and happier.

    However, when it came to dealing with illness, faith received no recognition from the medical field. As much as patients have faith and believe in healing, doctors always credited science for curing or lessening the disease. Recent studies, however, show that the power of prayer can be amazing in the recovery of a sick patient.

    A study with brain scanners during MRI, led by Dr. Andrew Newberg, director of research at Thomas Jefferson Hospital and Medical College in Pennsylvania (USA), showed that recurrent prayers stimulate activity in the frontal lobes and in the area of ​​the brain dedicated to language. Which would make praying to God similar to talking to people, which creates a neurological experience and stimulates various synapses, glands and organs in the body.

    The healing power of prayer is affirmed by science

    In this way, prayer and faith, as spiritual stimuli, would become physical through neurological and sensory stimuli. Saved in due proportions, it's the same principle as when we have positive thoughts and connect with things that make us feel good and fulfilled. The connection with a higher good would give our body a feeling of well-being and activity that can help to accelerate the healing process of some diseases. By staying active and positive, we would help our bodies not give in to illness and respond more effectively, quickly, and beneficially to medical treatments.

    Try to implement this routine in your life, don't wait for some disease to affect you to have the feeling of a fuller and more positive life. When we stimulate our brain, we also stimulate our entire body and the result is noticed quickly!

    • Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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