The future we want: what we teach children on a daily basis

    If you have children who are still children or live with children in your daily life, you must have noticed how they learn fast some things. And the way they learn the most is not through a lecture or talking and explaining, but through imitation. Children observe everything around them, because everything is new and curious to them. And as they observe adults, they begin to imitate them. Having her father and mother or some other adult nearby that she follows as reference, most of the behaviors she will carry into adulthood are not what we tell her to do, but the ones she observed and began to imitate naturally, until it became an unconscious habit.

    If you own healthy habits and a impeccable education, you don't have to worry about that, do you? But it's worth policing yourself a little more us small acts that can make all the difference to children's learning.

    We are in a moment of political crisis, in which everyone complains about government corruption. But what we need to realize is that this corruption has its origin in the behaviors that we have in our daily lives and that, when children witness them, they will imitate and continue a vicious cycle and a culture where the population is corrupt even in small acts.

    The future we want: what we teach children on a daily basis

    Think about these situations to see if you are not setting a bad example for your children or children who live with you:

    • The light is red, but as there is no car coming in the other direction, you pass anyway.
    • You buy a product without an invoice to avoid paying tax.
    • You take advantage of the fact that no one is looking and cut the line at the supermarket, or at the bank.
    • When driving, you overtake on the side of the road or cut in line in traffic.
    • You steal objects from the office where you work to use at home.
    • In some situation where he would have to pay a fine, he offered a bribe.
    • When taking a traffic ticket, you transfer the points of the ticket to another driver's license so you don't lose yours.
    • Use TV signal out clandestine.
    • Buy counterfeit products.

    These are just a few acts that we see in people who complain about the corruption of the rulers, but are just as corrupt as they are on a daily basis. And children, when observing these behaviors, imagine that it is correct to act in this way, where you seek to have an advantage over the other, instead of acting in a fair and ethical way. Take advantage of the reflection proposed in this text to observe your actions and see if you are setting a good example for your children. For, if we want the next generations to live in a just society and without corruption, we must start now to set an example, mainly through our actions.

    Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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