The Force and Energy that drives and moves Life

You may be alone, but if you are alive, Life is with you.

You may feel weakened, but if you realize this, you are able to react.

Suddenly on your journey you failed, but how to improve without making mistakes?

Do you feel rejected?

What's that?!

Everyone can reject you, but you need to be their ally!

You know your pains, your mistakes and desires.

If even you don't understand and accept yourself, how will you have your own support?

Feel the Life that pulsates in you!

The Force that regenerates your cells, makes your organs work and moves the air that animates you!

When you lose faith, remember the Spirit of Life, which manifests itself in the energy that vitalizes your body, the strength of the wind, the brightness of the stars, the heat of the Sun, the sound of the birds and that pulsates in the beings that pass by. !

The Force and Energy that drives and moves Life

Close your eyes and let yourself expand into this Infinite Universe!

Know that what you need, you already ARE; Awaken beyond mind and form, disconnecting for a moment from your human personality.

Be silent, just noticing your state and what is far beyond your mind, your personality and your body.

At this moment you are pure perception!

Through this state, one feels what the word cannot describe: Nothing and, at the same time, Everything!

In this instant, there is an integration with our Source and the perception of our transcendence.

When we disidentify from mind and matter, we perceive what our five senses cannot capture and it becomes more evident that the Universe contains us and that we contain the Universe.

From the Void comes perception and enlightenment; from Nothing comes Everything; from Unity arises Multiplicity.

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In these moments, we have contact with the Eternal that we are.

What was, what is and what will be synthesized in this Now,

In this experience, one wakes up from the sleep of Consciousness and sees the DIVINE LIGHT eyes closed, realizing that Life is the Eternal in motion and in constant transformation and that in reality We are Eternity in action!

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